Reviews for The Blue Hour
Spirit of the Night Owl chapter 20 . 18h
Okay. So, I left my last comment at approximately 11pm last night...after working a crazy ass LONG shift, so...didn't say much! Haha. So, here's what I really wanted to say...

One, sorry for not "reviewing" while reading. I used to comment a lot, but I work a lot more now than I used to (which is why I don't get much of my own writing done these days *sigh*). Boo me...though no one cares, I'm sure!

Two, I both liked...and didn't like...that you followed the books (Twilight and L&D) sooo closely. I liked that I knew what was coming (for the most part), because I just LOVE the storyline (books AND movies), but didn't like that that sort of made it boring. Not boring enough to stop reading, mind you, because I love me some m/m fanfic (Drarry of HP being my #1 fave).

Three, I LOVED the twist you put in about him and baseball...and getting beat up for being gay. Well, I didn't "love" him being beat up, but it was a great way to explain why he wasn't playing anymore. And I liked how you modified the game the Cullens played with Beau there! I'm a HUGE fan of baseball myself (GO Dodgers!) and will pretty much love any fiction with any amount of baseball in it...especially if there's any mm in it! Haha. So, here's a pick for you...Sloan Johnson's "Homeruns" series, starting with "Wild Pitch." Unless you're not into baseball. Haha. I just like sports, so...yeah!

Four...I was a bit thrown by the ending. I loved that Beau turned in the book...though I was so sad for Charlie. Not so much for Renee. IDK why, but Renee bugs the shit out of me. I wouldn't be able to stand having her for a mother! I love that Bella had the time with her dad after she'd turned. a way...if you do actually continue on with your series, I'm sure that I'll love that Beau has more time with Charlie. I probably won't like your "New Moon" redition any more than I liked Meyers. I hate that Edward leaves Bella (for her owe good?)...and leaves her a mess (how weak is that, that she completely falls apart?), but...maybe you'll have a twist that I don't hate. Lol. Seems like you'll be able to do "Eclipse" sort of the same (with twists, I hope, to keep us guessing a bit), but you'll have to come up with something to take the place of Renessme for "Breaking Dawn." You have A LOT to think about! Love that you're doing this though...I hope you continue! peeve...and I only noticed it one time (mostly because I was skimming...because I know the story and really only wanted to read the dialog), but I thought I'd point it out, just because I'm mean that way. Lol. There is a difference between "awhile" (one word) and "a while" (two words)...and for the most part, they are not interchangeable. If you put "for" in front of this word, then you must use the two word version "for a while," because "awhile" (one word) means "for a while"...if you say "for awhile," then it's redundant, because then you're writing "for for a while." Make sense? You can use ctrl f to find all of these in my document...if you care to fix the issue. You must use exact wording (so if you put "for awhile" it will ONLY find that...if you leave out the "for," it'll find more and you can determine if it's correct or not). Or you can ignore it...if you don't care. Haha.

Six...I was so excited to see that this fic is recently posted! Seems like the Twilight series has lately fallen by the wayside. I haven't picked up my books or popped in the DVDs in ages! Recently, I noticed that Amazon Prime added the movies to their free to watch section, so I've rewatched them all several times in the last few weeks. Then suddenly I decided to search here to see if there's any Edward/Beau fics and was surprised and sooo excited to find yours!'ll stop now. I get windy...sorry!
Sheri Contrary chapter 20 . 8/2
That was...very nice.
twi nana chapter 20 . 7/14
Sigh, love it still, looking forward to next
twi nana chapter 19 . 7/14
Loving this, and glad that there will be more
twi nana chapter 18 . 7/13
Oh oh oh...
twi nana chapter 17 . 7/13
Oh beau...
twi nana chapter 16 . 7/13
And so it begins
twi nana chapter 15 . 7/12
Uh oh
twi nana chapter 14 . 7/6
Maade me happy, thank you for your words
twi nana chapter 13 . 7/6
So sorry for your 9, hang on to the good. Poor Beau...and Edward... lovely chapter...
twi nana chapter 12 . 7/5
These boys...,oh my
twi nana chapter 11 . 7/5
Wonderful, and uh oh
twi nana chapter 10 . 7/5
Loved it!
Asha'man of Olympus chapter 20 . 6/25
This is an absolutely beautiful work! Extremely well written and you really make the characters come to life. I can't wait to read your version of New Moon! Thank you for sharing this with the world :D
Kayozm chapter 20 . 6/12
This really was surprisingly fun. I didn’t think I’d so enjoy something that followed the original so very closely!
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