Reviews for Holiday Magic
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6
Very hot, looking forward to the next chapter!
spanky1988.awj chapter 1 . 1/31
Can't wait for the new year's chapter!
thestutz chapter 1 . 1/31
I love chapter 1 it was great. Keep up the great work. Do a Word Girl story with Becky and T.J. as a pairing. You are a great author.
AzureTemplar3535 chapter 1 . 1/30
I'm glad you are back, you write great lemons. Looking forward to any more stories you upload.
ChocolateCookieCream chapter 1 . 1/29
thank you so much for the shoutout and thank you for writing this story, it was fun and hot to read. I love the concept behind it especially with Salena getting with the other holiday spirits. I can't wait to see them and see how creative you get with their characters and the smut scenes. The teasing from her sister was also great too. You don't have to worry about trying to capture someone elses style, you can write your stories however you wish. Can't wait to read more from you.