Reviews for The Literati Cousins
mollymaefarrell chapter 1 . 5/23
Yay, that was lovely. The one and only time I've liked April. Can't wait for more.
TotalDrama.02 chapter 1 . 4/26
Ahhhhh I love this story. I’ve always wondered about April’s relationship with Jess and Rory
BookloverAlive chapter 1 . 2/4
This was really great! Will there be a sequel?
jordana60 chapter 1 . 1/30
what a great story. I really loved it
Stellaluna.3 chapter 1 . 1/30
This was cute! Short and sweet. I was kind of expecting April to play a more active role as a matchmaker, but this works too. I loved what you tapped into here, that Rory and Jess's romantic history is this... land mine, almost. It's been buried, and everybody just avoids it because there's still so much raw emotion and pain there that it'll just explode if anyone touches it. The characterization was very good, especially with Jess's thoughts about his mother, and his reaction to Doula's prying. Sometimes the only way to get that guy to talk about his feelings is to get him really REALLY upset! I always think it's interesting how Rory talks about Jess leaving her "multiple times," (and she said that on the show too) because the first time he ran away, they weren't even dating! Rory couldn't even admit to Lorelai that they were really friends ("friend-ish" was as close as she'd admit, and very uncomfortably too!) and he even called her from New York to talk afterwards, so I always thought it was weird for her to categorize that as him "abandoning" her. And there were no "multiple chances," Rory! She gave him ONE chance, comparing him to Dean the entire time and never communicating her feelings or expectations! Anyway, that makes it sound like I'm blaming Rory, and I'm not... they were BOTH stupid, and terrible communicators, and I wanted to hit Jess upside the head on multiple occasions... Anyway, thanks for giving these two crazy, STUPID kids a second chance to get this right!