Reviews for Potions Class
notwritten chapter 21 . 42m
Nice. Keep smiling.:-)
mandancie chapter 21 . 44m
I'm so happy that Harry's awake. :) I loved this chapter. I can't wait to see what the colors mean. :)
Update as soon as you can. :)
abby chapter 3 . 6/30
geekymom chapter 20 . 5/11
Terrific chapter!
mandancie chapter 20 . 5/10
I loved this chapter. I hope that Harry will wake soon. He's worrying Severus, Draco, and Poppy. Sorry, it took me so long to review. I couldn't see the chapter when you first posted it. I'm looking forward to your next chapter :)
DarknessLost chapter 18 . 4/13
I'm sure I'll continue looking forward to new chapters :) Aye half way around the globe - the wonders of the internet ;D
Calmzone1 chapter 19 . 4/9
:). Good job. Loved it.

Glad you liked the information. Interesting that it seems to have not been really discussed since the original and secondary articles/interviews. All they are focusing on now is hydroxychloroquine. I was unable to get testing, but followed all the symptoms. I’m asymptomatic. But I had that horrible feeling in your chest that comes just before you either get bronchitis or pneumonia... and it just stayed there. That lasted about 4 days and I was taking about 1 pill every 2-3 hours, even waking up at night. I still am not finished. I can feel it in my lungs and throat as still a minor irritation or pain, then take more Quercetin. And vitamin D about 10,000 iu, Vit C about 2500. And mostly hot liquids to drink. Anything cold sets me back, you can just feel the exhaustion hit. Really strange. Never had anything like this before

Stay safe, great everything into your home as contaminated, so needs washing with soap and water. We have a bin by the door. Everything goes in, hands get washed, then start washing everything. One hand dirty, one clean. Wash hands and all when done. Make sure you wash face, hands and hair for sure if you don’t shower once you come in. All clothes go to laundry.

If people even continue half of what we do after this is all over, we might wind up eliminating seasonal flu, and the other things. :)
Thanks for providing brain food. :)
mandancie chapter 19 . 4/9
So many plans - so little time. I'm curious as to how you are going to take this. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Well-done on this one.

Stay safe.
geekymom chapter 19 . 4/9
Wonderful story. I live in Missouri.

And other than my allergy induced coughing fits, I'm hanging in there.
Shin Maxwell chapter 19 . 4/9
Ron's an idiot. And Minerva has alot of nerve calling Harry a little heathen.
Katia chapter 18 . 4/5
Sono Italiana, spero che questo periodo finisca presto per tutti.
Complimenti, spero che Severus possa aiutare Harry.
RenesmeeGreene chapter 18 . 4/6
I really like the idea that Snape actually saw what Harry was writing that first day in potions class, it always bothered me how Snape just thought Harry wasn’t paying attention. I was surprised that Harry was in Slytherin, but that makes sense if this is going to be a Severus mentor fic.

I read the reviews that someone left that were really quite harsh, so first off, I’m sorry that someone doesn’t understand constructive criticism, they shouldn’t have left such mean reviews, don’t let that discouragement get to you, keep writing!

I think my advice would be to make things more gradual. We as the audience want to see a character change, we want to see Snape’s cold exterior soften as he slowly becomes more kind to Harry. We want to see Harry and Draco’s friendship be a little tense at first cuz Draco can be kind of an dick, but then they move past their differences. The tension and the suspense of that will draw people in. I think I missed that in the beginning of your story, but I see it a little more later on:

My favorite scene in your story is the Christmas Day scene. You had really good pacing there. I loved how Harry was so shocked about getting gifts, I love the description of Draco’s gift, I love how distraught Harry is. You really painted a picture with your descriptions and showed us the inner mind of each character. Do more of that, you’re good at it! Don’t be afraid to go slow and add a little drama! I personally really like long chapters, but that’s a preference thing. I love how you changed the events of the first book, that was really creative in your last chapter.

I hope this was encouraging and constructive, I love the Harry Snake mentor stories, and I enjoyed your spin on the first book, and I await your next update. Keep writing!
mandancie chapter 18 . 4/6
Oh sweetie, you are more than welcome. You know my email is open and I will help you brainstorm if you like. I hope others will also help. It's great when you have other options and opinions as well.
I'm very intrigued as to what has happened to Harry. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Take care of yourself and update as soon as you can.
Calmzone1 chapter 17 . 4/2
Victoria BC Canada. I was still working for a while, but I work in a Chinese restaurant. We weren’t as affected by this as others starting in January. We were watching the situation unfolding in China.

The week before they ordered t/o and delivery only, I lost 5 work days. Waited another week to be able to apply for benefits.

Just think that everything you touch is covered in a light dusting of Coronavirus, since this is airborne and eventually falls. So to be safe, sanitize your house as much as possible. Then, when you have to go out...everything you come in contact is contaminated. And you are a honey bee spreading pollen (virus) from flower to flower as you wander around touching things. As does everyone else in your city.
And most people have no idea that they are infected. So keep spreading it.

So, touch as few things as possible, wash hands with soap and water as often as possible. When you return es off outside, leave items where they will not be stolen, then go wash up, clothes into laundry/washer or where they can be steamed or sprayed with soapy water or sanitizer. Remember clothes are contaminated if you can’t wash them. Then jump into shower to remove as much as possible from hair, skin, eyes, remember to blow nose hard.
Clean anything you touched while contaminated.
Then go wash down your groceries/purchases to remove contamination. Hot water where possible. Keep washing hands while you do it and dispose of bags, before you start washing everything down. Remember to put clean things on clean spot. Then sanitize dirty spot.
Now it’s safe to put things away, wash hands a final time.
Then have a hot water, cup of tea or coffee. Heat kills, so does drinking hot fluids.

Stay safe.
Friends have lost parents over this.

I am high risk, I forgot washing of food protocol. I am using some alternate things, seems to be helping. Remember, viruses don’t like heat. Let fevers go to 104F at most, then acetaminophen. Also, check out Michel Chrétien and Quercetin on YouTube. Seems to be helping
DarknessLost chapter 17 . 3/30
Really liking the story - and am impatiently waiting for the next chapters... ;)

Please stay safe from Corona!

Reading from my couch situated in Hamburg, Northern Germany.
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