Reviews for Stronger Together - Book 3 of the Spiderverse
PhoenixAzure chapter 28 . 7/13
I enjoy how you killed Gwen off. It wasn’t in a blaze of glory or something spectacular, it was a small seemingly inconsequential mistake. It shows the people around them are still humans and still stupidly weak.
Mallus6 chapter 85 . 7/2
Well it was fun while it lasted.
Mallus6 chapter 84 . 7/1
Does super-spider still have his powers the ones that lex gave kind of?
cabrera1234 chapter 84 . 7/1
so glad peter back are you ever doing a crossover with justice league and avengers some day? you can come up with your own pair ups.
cabrera1234 chapter 82 . 6/30
bring peter back for kara
BaddassWitcher chapter 76 . 6/18
Please i know you have som others stories to write, but i d be glad if you start the spiderman and horizen zero dawn crossover
VolcanicFury596 chapter 74 . 6/17
You can also change Morgan star's name to Maria Stark, after Tony's mother. That way, no confusion with peter-38's sister name.
VolcanicFury596 chapter 75 . 6/17
Why not make agent s, peter-1, and peter-38 brothers and then give agent s and peter-38 different names?
Peter-38 can be named Richard Parker II with iron spider suit (improved with stark tech).
Agent S can be Benjamin Parker, change hair color to blonde,and can have dark spider suit (spiderman ps4 game style) and his hero name is Tarantula.
Therefore, like this, you can have Tarantula, Spider-Man, and Iron Spider. Three different spiders and they don't have to die. Crisis averted! (lolz).
cabrera1234 chapter 74 . 6/16
looks like peter going to be a dad in both the supergirl universe and the flash.
Jp721 chapter 73 . 6/15
Are you planning on having a different Spider-Man take Peter’s place just like 90s Flash took Barry’s place for disappearing I just hope that Peter survives the Crisis. Also this is a suggestion if you have been watching Stargirl, how about a crossover story with her and a young Peter working together?
Volker1999 chapter 72 . 6/14
Isn‘t it possible that both Peters live After the Crisis, cause technically one of them Is Peter Parker and the other Is Ho or Holel Ren i Hope that both will live After the Crisis
BaddassWitcher chapter 72 . 6/14
Look i know that if you dont wanna do this you dont have to, but i think it d be a good story if you put spiderman and horizen zero dawn together with peter s story being like in this one but more like amazing spiderman story line. Thanks
BaddassWitcher chapter 71 . 6/13
I m not sure how u re going to do with his death, but maybe you could do like him giving her some best memories like her having a child
cabrera1234 chapter 70 . 6/12
ghost rider from marvel after the big event are you going to merge not only the earths but also other earths like marvel or other worlds like Image universe, marvel universe, valiant universe, and Dynamite Entertainment.
VolcanicFury596 chapter 70 . 6/12
Isn't Oliver the one who dies in The Crisis of Infinite Earths? Why is the Monitor saying Peter-38 must die?
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