Reviews for this animal i have become
LilyEvans33 chapter 6 . 6/10
This is fantastic! Will you update soon? I hope so. Can't wait to read the following chapters. I'm checking on this story everyday to see if there's new update...and there isn't... It's by far one of my fav Geralt / Jaskier stories, and I really, really hope you haven't abandoned it. Please, update soon!
RivianSomething chapter 6 . 6/2
I would indulge Geralt to live as a wolf.
Two legged or four legged doesn't matter. :D

Your story is very entertaining though and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
annoyedesteem chapter 6 . 4/30
So cute And angsty I love it. Inventive. Look forward to more
CrimsonRae chapter 6 . 4/26
I'm so happy to see an update on this story! Love where its heading to, keep it up:)
Amexal chapter 5 . 4/11
Love this story so much
Nah chapter 1 . 3/12
This was based off a fanart, right? Could you by any chance provide a link to it? (not asking for proof, I just want to see the piece)
Karlandra chapter 5 . 3/4
off they go indeed.
CrimsonRae chapter 5 . 3/4
All of the feels. Oh, wolf Geralt is just too much and Jaskier... I pretty much slapped my head into my hand when he was naming Geralt - Geralt. After all the things he's seen with the witcher, you'd think he'd catch on, but it fits his character that he hasnt. Cant wait to read more. Update soon :)
Kimura Tsukino chapter 4 . 3/3
I love it~
Many smiles this chapter caused.
I do not smile that often so my face slightly hurts, but a good kind of hurt I guess?
Oh well, I thought this was brilliant.
I like the tidbit about why he’s called Dandelion, very poetic it was.
The naming scene was really amusing especially Jaskier’s exasperation with Geralt wanting to be named Geralt.
Looking forward to more, for I will most certainly be keeping an eye out for it.
pans chapter 4 . 2/23
this is amazing! i love everything about this and it's so wonderful with the feels. 3
AppleTang chapter 4 . 2/20
I am loving this story! I hope you come back to finish it!

Thank you for posting this for all of us to enjoy!
Karlandra chapter 4 . 2/20
Very interested to see how this resolves.
CrimsonRae chapter 4 . 2/10
Wolf Geralt is just adorable. I'm interested to find out what Jaskier went through, I can practically feel the angst already. Though I am curious if the pull Jaskier feels toward Geralt is something he would have felt regardless if Geralt had been a wolf or if it is exacerbated as a result of Yennefer's spell. Your writing is fantastic, please keep it up. Can't wait until your next update.
potter people eater chapter 4 . 2/10
Poor Jaskier. I really hope you don't go into the details of his nightmares. I would however love to see Geralts reaction to finding out what happened to Jaskier after he was so horrible to him on the mountain. Anywho love this fic can't wait to see where you take this. Hope you are well. Brightest blessings upon you and all you know and do.
Kimura Tsukino chapter 3 . 2/7
I honestly like the idea of Geralt losing himself to the mentality of a wolf the longer he remains as one. Even better that Jaskier is the one to jog his memories.
Anticipating the moment when Jaskier realizes the wolf following him around is actually Geralt.
Also how long has it been since he was turned into a wolf? Unless that’s a slight spoiler to a future chapter, if so don’t tell me.
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