Reviews for A Torrid Love Through Time
Guest05 chapter 1 . 11h
i really love this story
Guest 05 chapter 1 . 11h
Mercericordia chapter 12 . 7/2
Posting on both sites , cus ahhh. AHHHH WHERES THE BOX I was like omg omg Casey you need to find it! Having said that the writing was great. Oddly enough I enjoyed the intense mood of despair, it stirred up emotions and had me at the edge of my seat. It leaves you wanting more.
LionKeeper chapter 12 . 7/1
My heart broke :'( omg. :'( but the writing was so good! Hopefully, this makes their relationship stronger when they return. Will keep an eye out for your next chapter!
Altiria-Aty chapter 3 . 6/13
*stares down Victoria* I'm watching you! got my eyyyyessss on her! also! that was 100% a date and so cute!
Altiria-Aty chapter 2 . 6/13
their banter! omfg! I am living for this banter!
LionKeeper chapter 11 . 6/5
Finally got to read this, and I just have to say, absolutely perfect! The wedding was so sweet and beautiful, and I love that Derek wanted to go through with it even though he knew that it wasn't where they belong. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Altiria-Aty chapter 1 . 5/26
ooooo girl, I love a good time travel fic and I am so ready for this one! I love how well you keep the characters IN character. The argument and the bet, and Caseys anger- I could FEEL that. I laughed hard with the Oxymoron line, I did that to someone once so it was especially amusing lol.
DerekRocks3000 chapter 11 . 5/26
Loving this you really putting your heart in this story and it shows! Can't wait for an update :) also the romance was on fire!
Kika.R chapter 11 . 5/26
Wow! Loved every part of this chapter. Derek figuring out the truth but still wanted to experience marrying her. Can't wait for the next update.
Lindab chapter 11 . 5/26
Fantastic! Looking forward to the next chapter.
Ape Regina 1993 chapter 11 . 5/26
Amazing story, I have fallen in love with it and honestly I cannot wait to read the rest. I log on everyday to check if you’ve updated. I really like the way you portrayed them and taking them back to a simpler time definitely allowed them to take their time and realize their true feelings without the commotion of our current time.
LionKeeper chapter 10 . 5/1
Damn, this chapter was intense! There was a lot of cute Dasey moments and I like that you have the perfect balance of drama and romance, I love the quail pen reference, so cute, and it's funny because Casey wanted one in the show in Sweet 16 episode, I'm not sure if that was the reference or if it was on purpose, but it loved that.
feed-fat-tommy chapter 10 . 5/1
Awww everything stands in their way. They will preserve though! I LOVED that Space Case moment omg that was the best
tsomeone chapter 10 . 4/29
Such an addictive story!
Having seen the television show growing up, now reading this new take on it. It’s fantastic!
Such great writing, keeps the reader so engaged and wanting more.
This story can go in so many different directions, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
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