Reviews for Sword and Shield
setokayba2n chapter 11 . 7/10
Yep, it was a good story,
SentinalSlice chapter 11 . 7/9
Good story. And while I’d have liked to see it continued it’s bice to read a Fanfiction with a nice satisfying ending, and it’s open ended enough for interpretation.
Great job!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8
Now I have to wonder how Motoyasu and Itsuki would fare in the friendship dungeon.

...Probably not very well.
Daniel Letchford chapter 11 . 7/8
LOVED IT! is there going to be a sequel?
Fox Boss chapter 11 . 7/8
This was a fun fic. I had an idea I'd like to run by you. Basically, Steven(Post-Future) is summoned as the Shield Hero instead of Naofumi.
Branchfoot chapter 10 . 6/29
I thought the fight was awesome! Well done!
Kivuntappaja chapter 10 . 6/16
I seriously thought that Naofumi and Ren would have to give bow and spear to "heroes" that use them for copying and only get their own reward when those two actually manage to survive this same cave and beat dual bosses with sword and shield (which they would need to give to two who already completed the trial before them).

And they will go there. Only question really is, will you tell us how that goes for them in another fic? And maybe after spear and bow are done, Ren would be the one to tell them what Naofumi revealed him about legendary weapons on chapter 6.
Daniel Letchford chapter 10 . 6/14
There were a few unfinished sentences as if you were in the middle of editing it but I still enjoyed the chapter. I still feel like they haven't compleatly fixed their relationship and are able to work together but they're getting there.
Good job, I look forward to the next chapter.
OechsnerC chapter 10 . 6/14
Awesome update. Looking forward to reading more.
Mermaid's Magic chapter 9 . 6/8
Okay are you positive that you ship Naofumi and Raphtaila? I mean you did have your eyes on the Shield and the Sword... just saying.

looking forward to more chapters!
Dracus6 chapter 1 . 6/6
boss fight is a giant suit of knight armor carrying a big sword and can talk
Daniel Letchford chapter 9 . 5/28
YESSS... I loved this chapter! Finally the two are back together but the chicken interpreted them... how rude. Glad the two heroes are working together, without trying to kill the other. I'm interested to see other fics or chapters similar to what you already written with the other heroes working together as the sword and Shield have. Though the Spear will be annoying to read since he's a jerk/dumb-y idiot who still listen to B***h.
Overall, great chapter and I can't wait for the final Boss fight... Also, Ren why were you an idiot and skip the tutorial, you dummy. You should never skip the tutorial when you're playing Dark Souls. XD
heroman45 chapter 9 . 5/15
Yeah, this seems about right overall. Raphtalia parts were fun, and Naofumi is doing Naofumi things, and Filo...exists. Fully admit, not my favorite, but she's been handled well so far.
Le055Li0n chapter 9 . 5/12
Yay, cooperation! also loved the reactions of all the party members.
OechsnerC chapter 9 . 5/8
Awesome update.
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