Reviews for B'Elanna's Choice
Guest chapter 2 . 3/29/2014
Nice job. Difficult subject, but you handled it well.
FaBbEr0oZ chapter 2 . 5/3/2013
If you're a fan of an 80's song that'd make you... Obviously older than me. Don't worry, I won't guess too much, I know it's impolite to ask a woman/lady her age. Doesn't mean I still can't be curious.

When I noticed this fic was about pregnancy choices I immediately stopped reading and went to check the reviews. I gotta say there are a lot of mixed answers/feelings.

I'm am a pro-choicer. I probably won't say much more than that on this issue for just in case purposes. But I will say this, when my friends or family want a neutral opinion I always tell them that I'll support what the want to do no matter what, even if I'm not a fan of whichever choice they make, whether that be keeping the rascal or abortion.

So, wonderful job. I know this will always be a touchy subject for people.
The Passionate Admiral chapter 2 . 6/2/2010
This... this is just plain brilliant. I love it. Tom and B'Elanna would make wonderful parents, and I myself view abortion as nothing better than murder. In fact, in my point of view, abortion is even worse than murder. You've certainly made a friend out of me here, DianeB
iamscully chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
very touching. i liked how you had two different women (janeway and samantha) giving the different pros and cons of b'elanna's choice. i think i know what choice she makes but i am off to read the sequel to see if i am right!

one critique: instead of using a single period to indicate a pause or trailing off in speech, use an ellipse (...).
Lady-Sttar chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
I really didn't enjoy your story because it wans't a story. You had an agenda. You didn't explore character emotions. And you didn't explore all the complications- emotional I mean. You make it sound like only b'lanna has any sort of feelings about it and that tom couldn't care less either way. Actually just about everyone makes it sound like its not really an issue if she has or doesn't have it. Makes it sound like either way won't affect her and tom for the rest of their life... Basically it was boring, you could have done a lot but you didn't. Boring because you didn't care about plot, you just wanted to make a point and call everyone who is pro-life stupid. I wanted to read a story about tom and b'lanna and I got an agenda. Boo.
skypilot-dlm chapter 1 . 7/5/2007
This is an amazing story, kudos to you! I've read this before on another site, and I just wanted you to know how much I love it- both parts. You've got an amazing talent. I told you before I love your fics, well done! And the subject matter- you deal with a very real issue without a heavy handed view one way or the other. (IMHO) Again, great fic!
DefinitelyDianeB chapter 1 . 6/23/2007
By the way, folks, after further e-exchanges offsite, Roonie and I are as okay with each other on this issue as we're ever going to be, so there's no need to step upon anymore soapboxes - at least not here, 'kay?
Roonie chapter 2 . 6/22/2007
To DefinatelyNOTElCube:

First off, I don't recall accusing Diane of being an "immoral lunatic." Nor did I question her personality or her intelligence. I simply took offense at her clear implication (in this story, at least) that pro-lifers are "unenlightened". To me, that's condescending and demeaning. She and I have already cleared the air via personal e-mail but I still feel the need to defend my position here.

Second of all, I feel the need to point out the clear flaw in your dumpster-baby argument. Abortion IS legal...and women STILL toss their newborns in dumpsters. Now why is that, do you think, when abortions are so readily available? The truth is that abortion cheapens life. And there are frightened young women out there that don't see much of a difference between tearing your baby apart limb from limb and extracting him from the uterus before birth (did you know that they have documented babies actually recoiling from the surgical instruments during an abortion?) and letting him die in a trash can moments after birth. I submit to you, then, that abortion is not the answer for dumpster-babies, rather, it's the cause.

As far as eliminating the need for abortion, I couldn't agree with you more. There's a wonderful organization called "Feminists For Life" that is seeking to do just that. I would encourage you to do an internet search and see what they're all about.

Unfortunately, I am blocked from submitting this as a signed review but I hope, Diane, that you'll allow my voice to be heard on this subject and refrain from deleting it. I promise to leave this issue alone now. :-)

Thanks to all of you.

Lady Mac chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
HOLY CRAP, woman! This is an amazing story! I love the little bit you put in, the quote from "Day of Honor" (my favorite episode!). Also I love that you're dealing with a real issue, and haven't made the 24th century immune to it.

Anyways, off to read part two..
longnite chapter 2 . 6/20/2007
A very difficult subject for many no doubt. Everyone needs to address their stand...but I disagree with taking your views on others for it. These are individual views that our culture allows us the freedom to address. Hope the exchange here gives everyone something to think about!

My only issue so far...would be that I am unable to locate the part 2 that is mentioned. I do not see it listed in the main story lists or under the authors lists. Is it posted yet?
DefinatelyNOTElCube chapter 1 . 6/18/2007
I read both this and the sequel, and enjoyed them both. That's terribly odd, considering that it was P/T HET, but I am quite thankful that I didn't have to resort to my *cupcake* diversion.

All of your writing tends to give me that fuzzy feeling.

As for Roonie.

You were relatively correct in your assumption that all of those who call abortion murder are extremist loonies. Diane is a wonderful lady. She's very nice, patient, intelligent, and in my opinion, quite far indeed from being an unenlightened and immoral lunatic. YOU, on the other hand...well, I'll let your previous actions speak for themselves.

In my humble opinion, killing a fetus while it's in the womb and hasn't experienced ANY life is far more moral than dumping a squealing little new-born in a dumpster in a back alley because the crack-whore who gave birth to it can't be bothered to take care of it. Eliminating abortion isn't going to eliminate the problem. You can't make coat hangers illegal.

Get off your high horse and take a step outside of your suburban bubble. Take a stroll through the ghetto, shake hands with a whore, and experience how much life really sucks. You aren't saving a life by allowing a baby to be born. You're just ruining another one. Why don't you actually make an effort to make life for other people better? Eliminate the NEED for abortion, rather than the means.

You sure are making a big difference by reviewing a story on though.
DianeB chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
Listen, Roonie, *pal*, if you'd have bothered to read "B'Elanna's Choice 2," you'd have learned the choice B'Elanna made was NOT abortion. But why bother to do that, when you could instead berate me in a personal review? How DARE you claim your viewpoint is the only correct one! You don't know anything about me or what I might have been through in my life. OF COURSE the issue is a volatile one - it always will be - but your screaming from your soapbox in a review of a fanfiction story is just bad manners, nevermind airing any particular pov. And, in any case, you're wrong in your brutal assumption of me. I am not "pro-abortion," I am pro-CHOICE, which is something else entirely, but, obviously, since it is not what you believe, you tell me I'm wrong. Shame on you, and shame on you for using such a public forum. I should report you to

BTW, now that you've shared your opinion, I ask that you please refrain from the temptation to continue. Thank you.
Roonie chapter 1 . 6/14/2007
I see...the "enlightened" viewpoint is pro-abortion and anyone who calls it murder is an extremist loony. Of COURSE this issue divides people! To a true pro-lifer, abortion is like watching your next door neighbor smother their newborn baby to death in broad daylight on their front lawn. After seeing that would you walk over and exchange pleasantries with them? Ask to borrow a cup of sugar, perhaps? OF COURSE NOT! Expecting us to "be okay with that" and "respect their choice" is laughable. You think abortion is okay. I think it's murder. Between the two of us, who's viewpoint calls for more righteous anger? You're protecting a choice, I'm protecting a LIFE! If anybody around her is unenlightened, it's you, pal.
welfycat chapter 1 . 8/25/2006
An interesting story, certainly.

Good work.
Natters chapter 1 . 7/14/2003
i love the way you put across both sides
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