Reviews for Point of View
Guest chapter 1 . 18h
nice story so far
Hicstridalways chapter 17 . 10/5
Do you think the lightning could have charged the gem?
Hicstridalways chapter 17 . 10/5
I’m really enjoying this! Pls continue to write!
toothlessgolfer chapter 17 . 10/3
Very clever title in what it implies.
I can't say I agree with Hiccup's reasoning in letting someone who was very likely biased have the power of life and death over innocents. It would be the equivalent of standing aside and letting another Viking decide what to do with a downed Night Fury (arguably less innocent than eggs) wrapped in bolas, all because he didn't want to 'impose' his own morality on someone else (an absurd position if thought out to its conclusions). Still, Toothless came to the right decision in the end, which speaks volumes to how much he has changed in a short time, given that he was so adamant about smashing the eggs as soon as he found them.
Wodenfang chapter 17 . 10/3
Now I'm picturing toothless being back in his night fury body and being a big momma to three crazy skrill babies. I bet he would act none caring and tough but deep down he would come to love and care for the little buggers
Epclaymore chapter 17 . 10/2
Is there going to be another story after this one?
JustANormalHTTYDFan chapter 17 . 10/2
Toothless is getting character development, and holy thor I love it. I've noticed, is it more or is Toothless acting more like Hiccup and Hiccup more like Toothless? Maybe its the mental aspects of being in a different body, allowing them to tap or switch to different perspectives on things? Will Toothless' character development stick when (if) they get switched back or will it just basically be like it never happened? I'd prefer if after all of this, Toothless kept his character growth and development.
toothlessgolfer chapter 16 . 9/30
I'm rather certain that Toothless's cleverness with the gemstone made a difference beyond just saving their lives. Have they retrieved it yet? If so, they might find that their point of view problem has a solution.
I also wonder what happened to the three Skrill eggs. They weren't destroyed, unless I missed something. Unless I am very off-base or missed something in your lore, those eggs present an opportunity.
Dragonrider's Fury chapter 16 . 9/17
So, things are finally settling down. 'Bout time everyone else showed up. Huh, Ruffnut has medical knowledge? That was certainly unexpected. But really, it does fit with her character, I guess. Now, back to the main quest! ...Or maybe not. This'll take a while, unless you choose to timeskip a couple of weeks forward... Unless the stone has been recharged. Hm, so many ways this story could go! I'll look forward to seeing which you choose. Keep up the good work! :-D

-Dragonrider's Fury
Dragonrider's Fury chapter 15 . 8/28
Well, that's that. Sad, but given the circumstances, necessary, I suppose. Nice to see I was right about Hiccup-Toothless going full-on Alpha. ...Or maybe you just added that because of my previous review. XD Anyway, nice writing! Now, I wonder where things will go from here? Also what happened to the other Riders. I mean, I get that Hiccup and Toothless (and Astrid) are the main players here, but three entire chapters without a single mention of them when they had all been flying together? That seems a little... off. Granted, no one's had much time to think about anything but tactics and survival lately, but still. Did the others all just disappear from the timeline? XD
That minor thing aside, keep up the good work, and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! :-D

-Dragonrider's Fury
RSegovia chapter 14 . 8/20
I love it so far! So is Hiccup magic now? Can he teleport? Does the lightning recharge the magic stone faster?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Dragonrider's Fury chapter 14 . 8/18
Well, even if you have a hard time writing fight scenes, you're really good at it! This chapter was one big adrenaline rush.
I have to say, much as you've written them to be unlikable, I do kinda feel sorry for the Skrills. I mean, I wouldn't like my home invaded and (for all I know) my offspring destroyed. Oh well, a story needs antagonism.
As always, great writing! Did Hiccup-Toothless go Alpha-mode in that last part? Because that was the impression I got. Anyway, 'till next time! :-D

-Dragonrider's Fury

P.S. I feel like this review was very lacking, but I can't seem to think of much else to say. Hope you don't mind.
Dragonrider's Fury chapter 13 . 8/5
Yikes! Angry Skrills are not fun to deal with. That lightning is more attracted to the stone than Hiccup and Toothless seems awfully /convenient/, but I can accept it, I guess. I just hope you have a good reason... although considering it's a magical artifact, the rules of science don't apply, I suppose. Anyway, back on topic...
Interesting to see Toothless' instinctive desire to destroy the eggs. I am very glad a Night Fury (even when it's a human trapped in the wrong body :P XD) is far superior in strength and size to a human (even when it's a dragon trapped in the wrong body XD). I don't know what would have happened were the eggs destroyed, but I'm sure it wouldn't have been good.
Hm, I wonder what they're planning now? I don't quite see just how sticks and iron bands are going to be useful, but I suppose I'll find out next chapter. Until then, keep up the good work! I can't wait! :-D

~Dragonrider's Fury
toothlessgolfer chapter 13 . 8/1
Ha! Plenty happening in there. I wonder if not killing the Skrill eggs will have any impact on the Skrill pair. Maybe showing some mercy will help change their minds about the need to automatically kill black dragons.
Also, the gemstone has an affinity for lightning. Very useful... for keeping our duo alive.
Epclaymore chapter 13 . 7/30
Tune in next time on total drama island.
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