Reviews for How Sesshomaru saved Christmas
Jasmine Melody chapter 1 . 6/17
Awww. CHI! This was such a great story. Thank you for writing it! _
Estefania chapter 1 . 6/3
Preciosa de veras. Me encanto de principio a fin. Desearía más. Te felicito.
DeathDagger chapter 1 . 3/5
PawnStarr chapter 1 . 2/15
Love it. This story is not what I expected at all !
CrazyYasha chapter 1 . 2/8
I really liked this story. So heartwarming how much he cares. I could truely picture him dressing up to play santa bringing presents and a tree. So funny and sweet. Only one comment for improvement... hitting the cervix during sex causes huge amounts of pain, not pleasure. The pleasure spot is different, usually in up and behind where the clit is on the inside... "The G spot". Everyone is different yes... But cervix bashing is pain to most everyone... some like pain... But I really liked the foreplay of the massage to warm her up. I wish more men did that. Anyway. The sweetness of the story was wonderful.
TaxLady0415 chapter 1 . 2/7
This was just such a lovely story! Sesshomaru as Santa shows how much he paid attention to the emotional needs of his little pack. He and Kagome make a perfect couple, while Inuyasha is just an immature, selfish idiot. I love the image of Grandma teaching the kids how to use the fan.
TempestMoonfayr chapter 1 . 2/7
I LOVED this fluff. Which is hilarious for me, because normally, I'm a pretty big stickler at trying to keep characters withing their norm. But god bless, I DON'T CARE WITH THIS ONE. Bring me the Christmas smut and fluff!
Great job. Kisses.
jharman570 chapter 1 . 2/4
Wow, I usually fall into the old stories, but this was only published 3 hours ago!

I REALLY loved this. I know that a couple of characters were a little out of character, but I just don't care, frankly. I prefer Sesshomaru to InuYasha any day for Kagome. He's shown his heart of gold with Rin time and again, and I just don't see why she had to end up with the loud one. So thank you for this.

Also, how can you go wrong with Christmas fluff?