Reviews for The Bounty Hunters Of Paris
Guest chapter 24 . 6/21
Read this over 2 weeks ago and I still can't get over how you haven't finished this! It has been 7 years but will you come back to this please? This is the best fanfic I have ever read!
Almanzor chapter 24 . 5/24/2018
First off, this was some hella good shit. This is probably my favourite story on this site. I like how the characters all meaningfully contribute to the story and are given suitable development as time goes on through character arcs. I guess my favourite part of the story is the sense of humour. 90% of les miz fics seem to all be either be about Les Amis, fluff, or dark as fuck, or all three. This was a good break from the rest (using my two favourite genres nonetheless!). I guess I also like it because it feels like watching an anime :p.

Wow, this ran over the course of 10 years, the early chapters are almost a time capsule into the early 2000's. Well uh, will this be your 5 year reminder? Guess we'll find out sooner or later. Here's to hoping this eventually gets finished.

Cheers mate.
Autumn Moon Fae chapter 24 . 4/5/2013
NOOO! This is the end of the chapter? THIS is the end of the chapter?

Please update soon. I'm dying over here.
RainWillMakeTheFlowersGrow chapter 17 . 3/21/2013
Luvved thee olde englissh. Ande herrah fore Javonine!
RainWillMakeTheFlowersGrow chapter 5 . 3/20/2013
"I thought I was the cute one!"
Oh, Javert...
Jezabel Ark chapter 24 . 3/12/2013
OMG I can't believe this... IT'S AN UPDATE! I love this story, please don't make us wait another year!
RainWillMakeTheFlowersGrow chapter 24 . 3/10/2013
It's so cool that you've been writing this story for TEN YEARS...
anotherdormantaccount chapter 24 . 3/9/2013
YOU UPDATED :D and still as witty as ever!
theShinyBarricade chapter 17 . 7/16/2012
I love your story :) Hehe, Leroux was going to make them "hop..." 8D Sorry, couldn't resist
sansreality chapter 4 . 5/9/2012
Another lovely chapter! It made me laugh so much, especially Eponine's reaction to Marius. I think you did the two's interaction wonderfully well because they acted accordingly to their characters. Eponine feels possessive of course. As for Marius, he is more uncomfortable and that just fits my image of him.

As for the mysterious person who threw Javert into the Seine... I wonder who it is? I have my suspicions but I'm not entirely certain... Though the deja vu comment definitely gave me a lot of hints.

Overall, another wonderful chapter! I'm curious if Javert will retrieve his snuff box from Gavroche. I doubt it. :)

Thanks for the great read!
sansreality chapter 3 . 5/7/2012
Yes! And the revolutionaries rise again. I really enjoyed reading how the students interacted as they dealt with rising back from the dead and deciding their next course of action. And the Alliance thing sounds like it will be so interesting. I remember it being very humorous but I've forgotten most of the details. Still, I liked how you characterized all of the revolutionaries. You've gotten a great foundation of who they are and have given them a bit more personality than they did in the original story (since they were so serious back then - understandably so).

And Javert and Eponine are just adorable together. Their "Fine" argument and Eponine tricking Javert of giving her all the earnings - how lovely. I'm really enjoying where this story is going and I like how you slowly develop the plot and introduce all the characters. It leaves quite a bit of mystery to everything.

Thanks for the great read!
sansreality chapter 2 . 5/7/2012
['Nah, he can't be a gypsy.' she thought, 'How bizarre that would be.'] This case of dramatic irony right here was perfect in adding humor to the chapter. I love how you play with the fact characters don't know some things that readers do know from reading the book. When I read that line, I just couldn't help but shake my head and think "Oh poor innocent, Eponine." This little moment was perfect.

But anyways, I love the interaction between Javert and Eponine. I remember how much I just loved their relationship since it's kind of like that endearing relationship between a younger apprentice and her exasperated mentor. Except the mentor has no sense of humor and the apprentice is kind of cheeky. But their conversation was nicely written and I really enjoyed it.

And how I love Emile and Delanoe! If I remember correctly, they are the revolutionaries but it's been quite a long time since I read this so maybe I'm wrong. But those two's interactions are nicely written, too. I can't help but enjoy how you write the characters and the way they act with each other - it fits the plot but also the characters established in the original novel.

Another great chapter!
sansreality chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
Okay, this is but I got an account here. And I also finally got to reviewing some of the old chapters as promised. It will be a slow and steady promise but I'll catch up eventually.

Anyways, it's been so long that I've forgotten how wonderful the language in the story is and also how hilarious the story is. I just love what you do with the characters. There were so many things I loved about this chapter. For one, I loved the conversation between the Prefect and Javert. I love your descriptions - it just has such a humorous tone to everything.

This story is actually better than my poor memory remembered it. Can't wait to read more when I find time!

Thanks for the great read!
Mlle. Verity chapter 23 . 4/1/2012
Astonished and glad that this has been continued after so long.
anotherdormantaccount chapter 23 . 3/30/2012
Welcome back! I thought this had been glad to see it hadn't. Good to see you're on top form still :)
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