Reviews for What It Means To Be Free
SyphiliticBaboon chapter 1 . 2/27
While Draco's stylized penile display - in Great Hall at dinner - is highly amusing & informative of restricted size/shape of his genitalia, it will not endear him to Hermione one bit .

The best he can hope for is her thinking someone pranked him into his lewd behaviour. Lavender herself gave him that out herself, when mentioning his thin and pale penis.
Lady Annabelle Slytherin chapter 1 . 2/20
I just LOVE this story already!
no more malfoy chapter 1 . 2/11
Reasons to hate him:
1. Draco's a cunt.
2. Draco's a bigot.
3. Draco's a bully.
4. Draco's targets those who can't really defend themselves.
5. Draco is almost totally self centred.
6. Draco can't stand not being centre of attention.
7. Draco like most Slytherin's won't fight physically unless other person can't fight back or is paralyzed.
Sure there is dozen's more - personally I'd like to get him in a dark alley without his wand and kick the living shit out of him, break both his kneecaps and all fingers on both hands. That'll show him how 'inferior' a bloody Muggle can be.