Reviews for Smoke and Mirrors
Guest chapter 12 . 10/1
When will we find out who are the students that are trying to get him expelled?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8
Please continue writing I fell in love with this Fic
Guest chapter 3 . 7/12
Jirou already manages to piss me off in the third chapter, like she already does everytime i see her
decodelifehacker chapter 12 . 7/14
love this need more
it so rare to find a mineta story that not him being killed
Anon chapter 12 . 6/27
I like the way this story is going so far...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27
I love this please note chapters
nuuo chapter 12 . 6/27
Awesome to see new chapter! Now waiting for the other Mineta centric stories to update. Forgot to say prediction of this chapter but happy to see classmates understand that Mineta changing homerooms isn't the end of the world.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/29
I wonder how will everyone react when he leaves.
nuuo chapter 11 . 5/27
Just speed read this story for past week! While I liked Mineta's angst, would have preferred one of the 1A students, besides Midoriya, to help Mineta over an OC. With chapter 11 a reader won't know what comes next now.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/7
Ace acquired 1 soul gem of negative emotions Momo will not be pleased hahaha that gem could be plot nice . ps great story
SirSmurgger chapter 10 . 5/4
That's one of the best Mineta stories ever. I've been looking for these for, like, ages. To be honest, it's a breath of fresh air, and the closest form of character development I wish Mineta would get in the manga/series !

I've had enough with the over-the-top, totally unjustified character bashing. Our Grape Boy is far from being perfect, but he does not deserve that much hate. Somehow, I feel like he's about to avenge himself rightfully. Thank God, we've got some true heroes like you to make things right again.

Please keep up the great work. I am truly amazed by your writing skills, your ability to maintain the suspense and keep the reader hooked on. I'll admit that I'm a sensitive soul, so I'm definitely looking forward to a happy ending with lots of love, reconciliation and badass moments.

I wish you the best for the future ! :)
DownwardNoun chapter 1 . 4/20
this actually broke me, it felt almost strangely real like a dark turn the story takes.
Uniquebooks chapter 10 . 4/8
Nope. I feel where this shit is going. And I don't like it.
Though props to you for writing bits and pieces that allow for speculations.
Perhaps I turn out to be wrong? Or perhaps you write in such a manner that makes it easy for people to suggest certain events?
Nevertheless, good writing skills and keep up the good work.
Might interpret too much into it.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/3
Good Guys: Mineta, Ace, Shinso, and Jin (Twice)

Bad Guys: Midnight, Present Mic, Aizawa, Nedzu, Class 1-A, Class 1-B
Guest chapter 4 . 4/1
Is this your self-insert? It felt too convenient.
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