Reviews for You’re Stranger Than You Think You Are
MusicForOxygen chapter 14 . 9/18/2009
I enjoyed reading's very different from anything else I've read...It's also very well written. Very unique idea! I hope you keep writing!
Anna Jaganshi chapter 14 . 3/7/2007
Is this the end of the story or a very long pause? Just asking. I'm glad you put that all up, I was getting confused. _' The story plot is great for this; not many people could keep up with all of that (myself included. xD). It ish awsome-ness!
Taisuke Harakiri chapter 14 . 6/16/2005
Ahh... A very rightfully titled story. I have a splitting headache now... Nonetheless this was a very good story. Thoughtful, and very playful with the characters.

I like how you explained certain things like Hiei's scarf and that damn white starburst in his hair. The scene in which Hiei tells Yukina who he is you handled very well.

Hiei was very in-character, believe it or not (at least to me... Karasu acting geeky seems normal to me though...) and everyone else was about par. Kurama, however, was somewhat... ah, OOC.

I liked that demon chic- already forgot her name- and how you discreetly added what Hiei did to her. I nearly choked on my tea several times. Kuwabara is such a useful character...

Anyway, great story! Anyone who likes Hiei should read this. In fact, anyone who likes YYH. Although, now I feel kinda guilty when I see Kurama and Hiei together in my head...

kimmi45908 chapter 14 . 5/8/2005
ah!(ive been doing that since the end of chapter 1. 3.2.1)ah!. good story. ah! its strange im still not done. ah!
Good Question chapter 14 . 12/1/2004
Awesome story! One fact fix though,

Koorime reproduce every 100 years asexually. They creat exact coppies of themselves. Hiei's father just happened to come around during the right time. Yukin and Hiei are only realted through Hina's blood, nothing more. _

Tweetyboo chapter 1 . 11/25/2004
darksaphire chapter 13 . 10/30/2004
This is the absolutely best story i have ever read in yu yu hakushou ever. Well as far as warm and fuzzy goes! It's marvelous. The ending was fantastic. I can't wait to see more from you.
darksaphire chapter 14 . 10/29/2004
ek! lovely story! i want more!
bellashade chapter 14 . 10/24/2004
i like the story and i so know what you mean when you said about the dub and mother bit the every time i see it i have to refrain from shouting and the first time i watched it threw a cushion at the TV :P
tokakoka-chan chapter 13 . 9/6/2004
THAT WAS SO COOL! sorryicouldn'treviewbefore'causeicouldn'tgeton...I really liked the WHOLE thing! the background with Yusuke and kuwa fighting was really funny!Keep on writing great stories like that!
MegaRose chapter 14 . 9/3/2004
This is one of the best story on ths sight.
Midnightdream51 chapter 13 . 8/28/2004
Well, its certainly been a while, and I am duly sorry about that. V_V gomen. I am without much opinion concverning the ending, although that just may be my current mood or as a result of my 'short' break from YYH. In any case, I think it was definitely decent (I'm not saying it wasn't great - I'm aware I can be inconsistent in my reviews since I am quite moody and that can affect my reading of the story - all in all, I think you did a pretty good job). I'll admit the last two chapters were not my favprite, but it was a suitable ending. I liked the interaction between the characters, and there is much to be resolved - however, you did an excellent job of wrapping up the story so that although there is a sense of continuity, no strings are left untied. In that sense, you have done a superb job in planning the story. I am REALLY gonna miss this story, because it is so unique and interesting. I will be on the lookout for more stories from you, and I commend you for the time and thought invested. _ Keep writing! (PS I like the fact that Kurama will still be looking out for Hiei, even though Hiei doensn't really want him to [or does he? :P] lol)
Curry chapter 14 . 8/27/2004
Thanks for clearing up the confusion. Looking back, I do see the staight-foward evidence in the story to remain UNconfused. But I suspect, it was: Hiei's hopeful speculations about having the same father as Zan, Hiei's altered relationship to Kurama as Hiei-Zan, Hiei's and Zan'a similare appearance, and the appearent TRANSFERANCE of the ability to create tear gems from Hiei's to Zan's body as Hiei-Zan (even with the assertion that this was because Hiei's SPIRIT retained the ability) that lead to the wishful discard of other stated evidence. This is a very good and delighfully ORIGINAL story.
Eishi-Ai chapter 14 . 8/26/2004
Well, I had taken nearly all of the above mentioned as fact except the Yukina and Hiei relationship. I didn't think too deeply on it, but I think I understood all of this on some level, but that's just me. Once again, I can't find enough words to say how great this story turned out to be!
Eishi-Ai chapter 6 . 8/26/2004
I think this story has great potential. The characters all seem in character and the lines are meaningful..without being too sappy. And the game that Kurama plays with his is very interesting. I would have never thought of that! I felt sad when Hiei finally admitted to Yukina that he was her brother, but I felt better after Yukina accepted him. Also, I thought Yusuke was hilarious. Then again, he is smarter than he tries to be...
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