Reviews for 50 shades: Darkness to Light
Tamara27 chapter 76 . 2h
I KNEW IT HAHA! That was so satisfying to read them all get owned like that Omg that was written so well great job!
shellz71 chapter 77 . 8h
wow this is a amazing story thank you
cant wait to read more update soon please
Guest chapter 77 . 19h
Wonderful story just wish it continued.
CLHB chapter 77 . 7/28
Take care, be safe! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27
What a lovely first chapter. Their chemistry is bouncing off the walls. Christian seems relaxed with her and is trying to make an effort while Ana who initially has tried to avoid him comes across as a real sweetheart. Eager to see what else you have in storre.
Smileyme1234 chapter 77 . 7/27
Such a good story I couldn’t stop reading it! Can’t wait for the next chapter
Moonstonestar50 chapter 77 . 7/27
Wheres the champagne? Its time to celebrate! Horah! Woohoo yippee! Mr hunred done his business! Whoa Benny's gonna shoot gim now for sure!
Chele227 chapter 76 . 7/26
Absolutely LOVE now Ana went gangster on his ass!
Pks9704 chapter 77 . 7/26
How exciting!
Mineangels2 chapter 77 . 7/26
Wow! That was great. Lots of info!
Taino Delsan13 chapter 77 . 7/26
Wow what a sick F was the name should not be mention.
He was borderline obsessed with Ana I his passwords were her birthday and the day he raped her like what the heck.
Well thank goodness he's gone to find himself a beautiful girlfriend in jail.

I love how even know Ana is nervous to confront people she kicked a** with exes Subs. Let It Go Ana getting your back blown out.

And Christian talking to his ex Subs closing his chapter getting closure is wonderful now he can fully focus on his wife and not worry about his past.

My my my my my we are going to have a baby oh my can't wait to read when the shock of the news that they're going to be parents.

Great job thank you for updating and if you need a break go ahead girl. Rejuice that brain of yours I don't think you'll lose any fan base Shirley I know I won't leave I still be here waiting faithfully. Stay safe stay blessed until next time
MajorisAngus chapter 77 . 7/25
Bien. Esto está ya en desenlace positivo y nos dejas en un momento tan sorprendente e inesperado, pero muy bien recibido.

Tendrán un Teddy o Phoebe y Nita será tan feliz de tener un bebé, su nieto.

Esos tres deben desaparecer dentro de las paredes de la cárcel para siempre junto con Vishaal y su padre.

Si me encantaría leer ese otro AU dónde la bestia de Vishaal no logró su macabro plan de violar a Ana. Ese me gustaría muchísimo más con CG cediendo a ese impulso protector.

Gracias por tan maravillosa historia.
ugagirl120 chapter 77 . 7/25
This has been so amazing! Looking forward to the rest! You have written this beautifully!
VRB Mariposa chapter 77 . 7/25
That dude was really sick and obsessed with Ana; I cannot believe that he had the rape on video and photos of his touching her; what a sick f***!, and those two bimbos, well I just can't say anything nice about them. So he finally put a "baby" in her as she has requested several times. Another amazing chapter. Thanks for the update and the entertainment :-)
Denie1943 chapter 77 . 7/25
Love where you are with this story and long for more. Your idea for a twist where CG saves AS from the brutal rape would be a treat...Thanks for sharing...Stay well!
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