Reviews for Naruto the Legendary Super Saiyan
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28
Update soon please
sammykordy01 chapter 1 . 7/10
Are you going to update this
Gamma-X chapter 1 . 7/8
Damn, I like this! I want to see where it goes. And Naruto x Bulma? Gonna kill Vegeta, huh? I don't think Goku would appreciate that nor would the rest like it I think. And wouldn't Goku just revive Vegeta with the Dragon Balls? I mean, they're Frienemies and rivals. At most, if he survives, it's possibly to have Vegeta get together with Launch if she was still with the Z-Warriors in this fic and not forgotten like in the original series. Then there's also Trunks. If it's Vegeta's Trunks that pops up and Naruto is an anomaly and tries to kill Vegeta in front of him... Though, I'd like to see where you go with your plans. Vegeta may be an asshole, but he's awesome. Though, I don't know whether you like or hate the dude. Also, poor Cheelai. Looks like she won't get her lovable hunk Broly this time. xD
If Naruto *is* an anomaly, though..I wonder if the Time Patrol will pop up. Cell will definitely be much stronger if he obtained Naruto's DNA too. Mr. Legendary Perfect Cell makes his entrance~
Anyways, keep up the good work! I hope Vegeta survives tbh and finds a different woman. Oh btw, will Raditz come back, or nah?

Ja Ne~!
sammykordy01 chapter 1 . 7/7
Are you going to update this
ThR1992 chapter 1 . 6/30
You could make Vegeta defend his father, causing Naruto to kill him in combat.
If you make Naruto be with Bulma, you shouldn't make him be with Zangya or another woman, Buoma is not the type of woman he shares.
Samuel Santillan chapter 1 . 6/11
me encata quiero el siguente capitulo quiero saber que pasara entre naruto y bulma y el capitul de El advenimiento del trueno
AStoryReader0295 chapter 1 . 6/8
Love story; pleas continue updating this story because I want to see how it goes from here!
LathonKAdkins chapter 1 . 5/31
please continue this
Noctus Of The Thousand Blades chapter 1 . 5/29
interesting premise. making naruto a legendary super saiyan is a common theme in many naruto DBZ crossovers. but i think this is the first one i have seen where naruto replaces Broly.

so this should make for an interesting read. but until there are more chapters? i reserve all judgement. there simply isn't enough here to currently comment on.

and as always,

thank you for your time.
ps2boy.zachary chapter 1 . 5/28
its up to you and good work on this chapter
Tobi99 chapter 1 . 5/22
Please Update
dinorun154 chapter 1 . 5/18
whens the next update
agitofang666 chapter 1 . 4/25
well the vegeta from dragon ball z was an asshole... though the vegeta super was kinda ok? but nahh he really doesn't contribute to the plot, as for trunks remember he's from an alternative timeline so he can still appear
Danirodriguez1995 chapter 1 . 4/10
The story continues, it's very good, don't give up
Allthegoodnameswheretaken chapter 1 . 4/9
Bulmas a good choice as for vegeta I vote you kill him I never understood how after namek everyone just seemed to be ok with vegeta being there on earth.
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