Reviews for Old tales to tell - new feelings to live
PananaPotterhead chapter 11 . 7/12
I love this Omg
theDowntonAbbeyfreak chapter 1 . 6/12
Lovely! I loved it with all my being :)
suzie chapter 11 . 5/4
thanks for your nice story!
C chapter 11 . 4/27
Lovely story.
foreverautumn99 chapter 11 . 4/28
Nicely written
Manygreentrees chapter 11 . 4/18
I have enjoyed this story very much.
You managed the revelation and response waves of Charles and Elsie very much in character, up till the nail-bitingly suspenseful admission by Charles in Chapter Ten.
You have resolved this emotional quagmire very satisfactorily in this chapter. Elsie is prepared to Listen to Charles' heartfelt confessions. She has remembered that she loves him, that you can be human , therefore slightly imperfect, and that no-one should be too judgemental, including herself. Charles is prepared to be really open about his past go her, even admitting , to him, shameful parts of it, to her. Very importantly, they forgive each other, hug each other, and promise to always talk to each other about their concerns. All very admirable.
And you have written this so well , building up the tension and suspense like a coiled spring, which you let go in a so welcome and satisfying release at the end. Good writing and thank you.
Chelsietx chapter 11 . 4/18
Aww...what a talk! This was really good. I hope you decide to write more Chelsie stories. Thank you!
Miss Maid chapter 11 . 4/18
I've so enjoyed this story. I've waited eagerly for each chapter :)
I hope you will write more stories in the future.
Stay safe
Good Bo chapter 11 . 4/18
What an absolutely excellent story!
misszenobell chapter 11 . 4/18
Beautiful ending! I like how you built up the suspense in this story and kept us wondering what had happened until the last chapter when all was revealed. Congratulations and I hope you continue to write chelsie stories. x
pleasantlyfurrygalaxy chapter 11 . 4/18
wonderful ending thank you
amadaluciano chapter 10 . 4/13
I need answers, congratulations. Waiting for much more.
Chelsietx chapter 10 . 4/13
I’ve been waiting for this! Of course they needed mugs instead of cups. (lol) As always, this is excellent! Thank you.
Reader123 chapter 10 . 4/13
Can’t wait to read next chapter!
pleasantlyfurrygalaxy chapter 10 . 4/13
I was hoping as much. cant wait for part 2
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