Reviews for Book 2: Harry Potter and the Sacrifice for One
Captain-Jedi chapter 16 . 7/15
Hi :)

I just wolfed down book 1 and 2 i just could not put my phone down !

Ok where to begin ! Book 1 is a good start i think ahaha
I love that harry went to military school ! See i live in Canada and we have a recreative form of Army cadets in the evening and weekends and the way you depicted some of the strategy, the trainings, the barracks ambiance etc. It was just perfect !

I also love how harry is not a follower but a thinker. Its amaizing how you made you advance character so relatable and realistic !
Then i was really surprised when you went for the no quidditch harry. But then again BAM ! It works ! Its the first i read like this and the way you pictured, using ron, that only hard work and perciverance can give you what you desir namely the seeker position. Anyway i could on forever but i need to talk about book 2 ahaha

So book 2. Well let me say. HOT DAMN !

It took a complete turn i was not expecting ! Altought why the slytherin girl was Lockheart not enought for the ritual?
I loved how this time it was darker. I mean i kid and like four people died ? But one part actually made me laught so hard i startled my cat. Its when harry cracks off Nearly Headless nick's head after he got corporeal. Everything just flashed that moment clear as day in my head xD i hope it was intended to be funny otherwise i might be weird xD anyway the combat scenes were so clear and easy to follow i really enjoyed reading the battle with Tom and The Basilisk ! Its really was clever how this time harry did not have to go alone ! Moody was just spot on ! You are really talented in the art of seizing the essence of every characters.

Alright im hoping on book 3 i am hooked on you every words.

Thank you for your talent
LadyPhoenix68 chapter 1 . 6/15
I noticed that you said in your authors notes that you learned to thing broader, let characters grow and not to pigeonhole. This makes you a better writer than JKR who when this happened to her, refused to change things and FORCED ron and Hermione together. She even admitted in an interview that the two should not have been together but it was in her original outline and she refused to change that, a mistake she took 7 full books to recognize and only did AFTER they were all done.
rachaelirani chapter 16 . 5/22
Hi Author,
Having read both your books back to back, I must say I am a fan!
Awesome work! Cannot wait for part 3!
Skyfire511 chapter 16 . 4/28
You are such a great writer, you made a completely fictional subject have a science. Every time I read about Hermione and Harry discussing magic, I was like "Woah, that sounds legit." You made it real. I have all faith in you to become a world famous writer. New York Times Bestseller. All the good stuff! Pursue your dream! You are an awesome author!
Slayer94 chapter 1 . 4/15
I’ve just finished this story and it was fantastic! I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next oneI’m really excited to see where you take this
NocturnalSkandal chapter 16 . 4/14
What a fantastic read. I was up all night several nights to read this. It quickly became my favorite past time. You are an excellent writer! I cannot WAIT for book 3. Simply AMAZING.
Sanders7201 chapter 16 . 4/3
cant wait for the next vook. this one was extremely well written.
sohamzone chapter 16 . 3/21
Brilliantly written. Can’t wait for the next book. Would love to see Harry evolve in his Magic usage slowly, believably but impressively nonetheless. Know more about the mechanics of magic so that he even if not overpowered can manipulate magic with a deeper understanding.
Curious to see whether Moody takes him as an apprentice. That would be a little mainstream though. Harry’s love for magic itself is too glorious to be contained only to ‘combat’. The way Dumbledore goes about enchanting the very world around him is more of the direction I personally would love to see Harry travel.

Keep up the great work. Awesome writing.
sohamzone chapter 15 . 3/21
Almost at the last chapter. This is amazing. The story brings out the enormity of having a basilisk our so much more.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/15
Really loved your 2nd book. IMHO top notch rewrite of the general books and I've read them "all".
0b5curu5 chapter 16 . 3/15
Hello, to start I have to clarify that my english is realy bad. Well I'm sorry for my errors.
However I had loved this story and I have to send a message to tell you I can't waite to be able to read the next book. With translation of course.
Deacon Krow chapter 16 . 3/16
Loving this and have no constructive criticism to add. Following you now. cant wait for the next installment.
ZySGenie chapter 16 . 3/15
thank you so much for this story i love stories where magic is approached more as a science it makes it so much more fascinating to read. I love your writing so much i cant wait to read more!
BROMBROS chapter 16 . 3/15
I totally enjoyed this story
ArgentRoseSableWolf chapter 16 . 3/15
This story leaves me with two significant questions. First of all, what is the point of Albus advocating action, i.e, 'we can only hope to limit the damage they do', when he refuses to actually do anything? All that does is leave him looking like a thundering hypocrite, using others as stalking horses while keeping his own hands clean. Secondly, are these stories going to continue to be simply a canon-rehash, or will they deviate at some point? The deeper look inside the characters, particularly Harry, is interesting, but not enough so if the story arcs are all going to remain basically the same as canon.
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