Reviews for A Center Story: The Edge of the Abyss
Klarinette49 chapter 1 . 6/9
I can't believe I'm only reading this story now. It was such a sad, powerful chapter. I always love how good you can get into the mindset of the characters and translate to words their feelings and emotions (and also I'm always very partial to angst so...). And that last part was such a delight! George and Matthew are the cutest.
timeandpixiedust chapter 1 . 3/20
You did an amazing job at writing Matthew’s despair, it was incredibly sad to read, but I loved loved loved how you finished it on such a happy note with George taking his first steps!
Daisyangel chapter 1 . 3/13
I especially loved the end of this story.
EmelineCarter92 chapter 1 . 3/11
I always look forward to the continuation of your story. Mary and Matthew's love for each other clearly shows in your writing. I wished they could have taken the opportunity on the show, how the war affected Matthew, as you can tell in the first two episodes of series 2, he is clearly haunted, a missed opportunity at that.
Palindrome310 chapter 1 . 3/8
Wow, this was a tough read, even with the happy ending. Well done!
AmeriGirlTN chapter 1 . 3/2
Wow! What a fabulous chapter! You perfectly captured the raw emotion Matthew experienced in the early days of his injury. And Mary was always there to bring him back from the edge - of suicidal thoughts, of despair, of giving up, of hopelessness- all those emotions a newly injured man would feel. I loved how you took us from the very beginning of his injury to the joyful day George took his first steps. What a beautiful scene you painted of Matthew throwing George in the air as his father had done to him. Still mourning the fact we didn’t see that in canon. Thanks so much for a truly fabulous update.
eyeon chapter 1 . 2/29
That was a powerful wonderful chapter! You write such a wide range of emotions so well. Matthew's despair just radiated from the page and Mary's love, and Matthew's love for her conquored it. I can't imagine being in Matthew's situation, but you were really insightful about how some of these moments, like George walking, just overwhelmed him or at least caught him off guard. I am so glad you continue to add to this wonderful universe! Many thanks! I hope there will be more!
MsMenna chapter 1 . 2/29
This was fantastic. I truly loved every bit if it.

I knew that Matthew would have been incontinent due to his condition. The scene where Violet came to his room to tell him Mary was still in love with him immediately came to mind reading about his procedure as I recall him telling her Lavinia would have had to wash him and do (paraphrasing) all sorts of things to take care of him. I’m guessing relieving him this way would have been one of those things. Certainly not something he would talk about, and likely would hate. Lavinia really did love him.

How awful that his dignity along with his ability to walk was stripped from him at Amiens.
You painted a clear picture of Matthew ‘s despair over losing both as well as who and what kept him going. Mary comes across as his savior here, which she was, really.

I hope you never stop adding to your Center story. It touched me deeply.

Great work.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/29
Naniee chapter 1 . 2/29
ameliapemerson chapter 1 . 2/29
Well we needed that happy ending for sure! Love the contrast between the darkness of 1918 and the light of 1921. Matthew's conflicting moods are very well captured esp as it's quite understandable given the circumstances. Having Mary's fortitude helped him endure. Thanks.
Stephanie chapter 1 . 2/29
So wonderful surprise. Writing about Matthews psychology was ecsellent. I always lokk forward for your stories. Story about expecting and birth their little Catherine would be sure interesting
alliluna chapter 1 . 2/28
So, first of all, I definitely was not expecting to see a new Center story today, and you can imagine my delight at seeing the email (although I tried my best to hide it because that might have seemed pretty weird to the other people on the train with me...) but seriously, what a lovely and always welcome surprise!

This was definitely hard to read, but in the best way possible. You got into Matthew's head so well; the despair, the distress, the shame, the helplessness, all of those feelings which kind of got glossed over in the show. And the progression of his dark thoughts, even being unwilling to wait until he had a razor, was very powerful and difficult. And then Mary saving him in a way, making him realize that he couldn't go through with it, even if he was angry and didn't want her near... knowing where they end up makes that all the more beautiful. and then she came back the next day and that quiet dedication was so powerful and really shows who Mary is in spite of how she appears sometimes. Anyway I have many many emotions about all the angst and this was just so well done.

And then the ending! The contrast between the two parts is just amazing and so satisfying to see how far they've come and tbh Matthew's realization makes me want to tear up a little.

In conclusion IT WAS SO GOOD AND I'M EMOTIONAL (as if that's any surprise). Thank you so much for creating this amazing universe and continuing to contribute to it, and I absolutely can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Dimcairien chapter 1 . 2/28
This made me cry. Earlier this week I finished re-reading Center for probably the third or fourth time, so it was a wonderful surprise to get this addition today.
circa1910 chapter 1 . 2/28
Lovely. Hope and love. I love this vision of Matthew living to see George walk.
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