Reviews for Safe in Brother's Wings
hexyah chapter 34 . 10/20
Well this will be interesting
Angelwings2002 chapter 34 . 10/20
Yes Baymax! Yes! Help the poor baby find Dashi! YES! BAYMAX YOU ARE THE BEST! *hugs him* Your the best marshmallow! Even if your are not edible...okay now I want s’mores...Wait...what would happen if the bird kids ate...never mind, I can see the sticky mess already.

Okay, back to my point, loved the chapter, Nox’s thoughts were so believable in this situation and his moment with Fred was so cute! I wanna see more of this! Keep up the good work, as always, and see you next week!
hexyah chapter 33 . 10/14
Sherman NO! Your already one of my favorite characters I’d hate to see you in Di’s clutches. Can’t believe she’s worse in this series, I mean she’s literally sending monsters to kidnap homeless people. Also just when I thought the plot couldn’t get any thicker, you add on a few more layers. Like, it explains hoe she got the DNA and how they know each other on that level and how they talk about the other (it kinda reminds me of Regina and Rumples dynamic from OUAT with Mr. E and Pericles from the Scooby-Doo cartoon that was on Cartoon Network-it’s currently on Netflix and I really recommend it-thrown into the mix). I guess the best way to describe it is two cosmic deity’s playing a game of chess with humanity as the game pieces, one being lawful evil the other a chaotic neutral. Neither of them are good but neither of them are totally evil, some of which even have standards.

Anyways like I was saying, him being alive answers so many questions, that I totally missed the foreshadowing for, and beings up new ones that I can’t wait to see play out.
Angelwings2002 chapter 33 . 10/13
Oh my gosh so much is happening! And Sherman is freaking awesome! This dude gets a gold star! For being awesome! I love guys like that. Don’t know why, I just do. As for Nox, that poor baby! Get him some cookies and muffins and for goodness sake, do not yell at him!

I loved this chapter, can’t wait for more!
SilverPhoenix chapter 32 . 10/6
...though, does that mean that his last name could be Aken? Because that's actually pretty cool.
'Kase vs. Momokase is. Epic
also I am now officially terrified for everyone's safety, including both Hiro and Nox
hexyah chapter 32 . 10/6
Okay I will admit, Storks is not the best movie, mostly due to the pigeon, but you have to admit that the ending was REALLY good. Tadashi took everything that’s happened while he was gone, or at least what his aunt has been up to, pretty well, Hiro is trying to but will probably freak out bc he realizes that Nox has ties to Obake. Also, cant wait to see what happens when BH6 arrive at the scene to fight Momokase, cause that’s going to be interesting. Especially if she tells them about the bird people.
Angelwings2002 chapter 32 . 10/6
Tadashi and Kase’s relationship never ceases to amaze me. Seriously, the banter, how much they care for each other and everything about their dynamic is awesome.

As for that gosh it gave me chills and not just because of the last line. Hiro being upset over Tadashi’s death and taking it out on Nox made me wanna just drag Hiro away and give him a lecture how to handle a kid in a fragile know basic stuff.

Amazing chapter as always!
SilverPhoenix chapter 31 . 9/29

This chapter... D'awwww. Cuties. And Captain Cutie. They're figuring things out! I'm proud of our local San Fran superheroes.
Language lessons for our favorite bird-clone YES PLEASE. And the team gets a rundown on Nox (not Knox) knowing Tadashi... That's fun.
OH NO. MOMOKASE? HERE? NOW? This just got Complicated... I'm excited as all get-out!
(Also. Ethics in terms of biology experiments confuses me So Much. Please do not euthanize the bird baby he's too precious)
hexyah chapter 31 . 9/29
They’re so close to the truth it’s killing me.
Angelwings2002 chapter 31 . 9/29

Seriously though, I loved everything about this chapter, it is awesome and the ending, the freaking ending just makes me want more! Cause I can’t be the only one who wants to see Momakase and Kase have a stand off and fight! You gotta admit it would be cool!

See you next week! I’m excited!
hexyah chapter 30 . 9/24
Wait-season threes out now? Bet. Also did not expect to be called out by Fred.
SilverPhoenix chapter 30 . 9/22
"In retrospect, my born free attitude might not have jived well with crystal."

(Also, I totally forgot it was a Tuesday, got blindsided by this chapter, and promptly went "wait, it's Tuesday? WOOOOOOOOOO-" in my thoughts.)
This chapter and the last one, BOTH excellent. There's a real comedy to the Chandelier Swing Protocol. More than that, Big Hero 6 don't really know what they're dealing with when it comes to Nox, which carries well into the narration, but They're Trying!
Angelwings2002 chapter 30 . 9/22
*pops confetti* HAPPY CHAPTER 30! Congratulations on making it this far!

There is so much that I loved about this chapter, I mainly loved Fred and you really nailed his character! Great job, seriously.

Also Baymax being Baymax! My goodness this feels like it’s from the actual show! I love this story! Can’t wait for next week! Last chapter of September!
hexyah chapter 29 . 9/17
Ah yes Birdmagedon-just what 2020 needed. But yea this chapter was really funny to read, Nox chasing after the bell, was hilarious and I love how Fred was playing with him. He acted so much like an older sibling towards him, even though Nox doesn’t know his name.
Angelwings2002 chapter 29 . 9/15
Excuse me for one moment while I go squeal at this adorableness!

*rushes off to another room and squeals as loud as possible*

And I’m back and WOW did this chapter feel like an actual episode! Fred being Fred was awesome. I loved Nox playing with the ‘jingle thing’ and seeing his point of view as a real treat.

Now is you excuse me! I’m gonna frame my number 24! See ya next week!

*runs off and comes back in*

And yes, Baymax is less threatening than Jello! That is a fact and no one can change my mind!
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