Reviews for Redux
lotris chapter 10 . 7/15
I love this story, it is super original, the interaction of the characters is fascinating. Please update it soon.
BookloverAlive chapter 7 . 6/16
Ooh a Baroness... yay for no Dean! Love this chapter.
BookloverAlive chapter 6 . 6/16
Here come the water works... great story! Can't wait to see where this leads.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/8
JamieCorrs chapter 10 . 5/10
This is my favorite story around. This is just so different! I love this take on the 'out-Gilmore Girls' world. I'm a sucker for family dynamic and this is such a good read. It's actually quite cool Finn is cousin. I suspected he's somehow related otherwise why have a kid hang around in so many funerals. I can't explain Paris but she's Paris.
My favorite part is "Who's he?" -"He's Finn." 4 precise words that gives everything. The Joshua character is very interesting, I'm curious. With all the panoramic going around his behavior it really resonated with me. "The markets can't go up forever." Your ability to capture periodic state of minds and society... I totally rambled. Again.
A personal favorite. Thank you for this gem.
DSLeo chapter 10 . 5/8
I was about to take umbrage, very Trix-like, but a a medical nerd, I realized... Well, what I take for granted as interesting isn't always "the norm". Taylor Swift who? But pandemic flu, heck yes... Oh dear.
nightnovice chapter 10 . 5/7
My goodness those are some tangled roots and who can see the forest for the trees? More soon please.
Rori Potter chapter 10 . 5/7
Oh my. Wow. Update soon.
Sarai chapter 10 . 5/7
yike. LOL
kara2lucy11 chapter 1 . 4/30
wow. poor baby.
Sarai chapter 9 . 4/26
I like it. Good story.
Sting3 chapter 1 . 4/21
Interesting start. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Thanks
nightnovice chapter 9 . 4/20
There is a deep sadness in this chapter, an all abiding sorrow.
JamieCorrs chapter 9 . 4/19
The way Rory process this load of grief is really touching. It's a lot to handle. Can't imagine how hard it is to be thrown into a whole world that has been kept from you and not understand why. Her joy at having more family demonstrate that. Discovering people who are connected to her. Reading this, I'm thinking that the mother-daughter bond wouldn't have been this tight in the OS, if it weren't for Lorelai keeping her daughter so disconnected.
You know I love this. Can't wait to see how the rest of Rory's new life unfold. Trix is gonna lose it when Rory meets Logan, in whatever capacity.
Kazza65 chapter 9 . 4/18
Loving Floria and Rory getting on. Wow so sad Rory blaming her mother.
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