Reviews for Mrs Malfoy I Presume?
Sheiky81 chapter 4 . 7/6
love it!
ftgalvan chapter 4 . 5/4
Just the fluffy piece I needed to read today! Thanks for sharing
Elizabethan Rose chapter 4 . 4/8
This was a really fun story. I’d love if you continued it
Scherherazade chapter 4 . 3/29
I really enjoyed reading this.
cracked-ceilings chapter 4 . 3/27
Great story!
Queen of Duct Tape chapter 4 . 3/26
This was so cute! I really enjoyed reading it.
Ireallysuck chapter 4 . 3/20
awww Draco deserved better, and he got it. Ron not being a dick is a big plus!
CatherineDuchessofVineyard chapter 4 . 3/19
This is awesome!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/17
A very sweet story.
onceuponaprincess13 chapter 4 . 3/14
LOVED this. Just what a needed. Haven't read any Dramione in so long and I came across this. Sweet, simple and just a great read!
Random Duck chapter 4 . 3/11
Hopefully between Ginny and Harry they can convince Hermione that Draco is all bad. I love it that Ginny hates Draco, and tries to keep him away from all her friends.
Nigel Stanley chapter 4 . 3/11
How this would've really transpired:
"Mrs Malfoy I Presume?"
"Yes." said Narcissa.
The end.
ArtemisBare chapter 4 . 3/10
Very sweet
tmtcltb chapter 4 . 3/8
This is such a fun and sweet story! I have to admit that I especially like how Ron turned out to not be a schmuck. I always enjoy a story where everybody ends up happy and on the same page. And who knows, I could theorize that someday Ron and Pansy find out that they were actually meant to be.
tmtcltb chapter 3 . 3/8
Oh no! I hope that Ron won’t ruin the beautiful relationship building between these two.
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