Reviews for Dragon in the Dark
Trinkisme chapter 23 . 8/6
Poor Draco. Well, I guess it was inevitable, Hermione seeing who he was...who he had been. But he did it to save her. I hope she realizes that. And I hope she remembers that he left that life behind. That he chose her side; chose her. That he fell in love with her.
And I hope she remembers that she loves him.
A fierce and gripping chapter. You are such a fantastic writer. Thank you, hon.
Lindsay chapter 23 . 8/3
WOWWW! This was a masterpiece chapter! Draco has all his cards in the table now. I binge read this! Beautifully written
pgoodrichboggs chapter 23 . 8/5
Awesome chapters! I’m sad Hermione couldn’t be there for Draco after everything. He saved her life and others.
sociallyawkwardcatnerd chapter 23 . 8/4
Ugh, so many FEELS this chapter! I am so incredibly addicted to this story! Thank you for another wonderful installment, author!
Jenny0406 chapter 23 . 8/4
Draco, baby, nooooooo... just let her process!
Saxiel chapter 23 . 8/4
Now that's the assassin Draco that i signed up for!
Stephanie O chapter 23 . 8/3
I'm relieved that they made it out of there alive, but oh my goodness, the pain that Draco is feeling because Hermione finally saw him as the cold killer that he was trained to be! Poor guy! Hopefully Hermione will come back to him with some time to reconcile what she saw him do with the man she knows he is, deep down. He saved her life! Maybe she has to forgive herself for not helping him more? But like he said, he didn't want her to feel the guilt that comes with taking a because he loves her and cares for her soul, he protected her from having to be a killer. He killed so she wouldn't have to. I can't wait to see what her plan is! It's great that Draco figured out the coincidences that happened just before the attacks, so they can figure out how they've been infiltrated.
Aquamarine3136 chapter 23 . 8/3
Ok, now I'm burning to know; who's the mole? I hope that Draco and Hermione are okay.. I know I'd be a little afraid if I saw my bf murder people remorseless, but still.. Loved the overall chappie though! I can't wait for more!
Pjyenn chapter 23 . 8/3
Amazing chapter.. Very realistic
Dreamshards8 chapter 23 . 8/3
Poor Draco. I knew at the start if this chapter this was bound to happen. Hermione would be forced to see what Draco is really capable of and she would turn and run. He saved her life though! These were people who would have killed her if Draco had not been there because Hermione needs to learn it's either her or them. She's been in the middle of a violent war for too long to act so pure.
LilyFlower10 chapter 23 . 8/3
I still think Pansy is the one orchestrating this! She's alive!
Linden Len chapter 22 . 8/2
Holy crap. This is such a good story. Can't wait for the next update!
Dreamshards8 chapter 22 . 7/29
Noooo, what a cliff. I'll be waiting anxiously for the next update.
Dreamshards8 chapter 21 . 7/29
Poor baby Draco, it hurts my heart. But he isn't alone thankfully and he has something to live for now besides keeping his mother safe. He's in love and he's saving people by being apart of the order.
Dreamshards8 chapter 19 . 7/29
Yessss it's about time.
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