Reviews for Ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
Guest chapter 3 . 5/28
I really love how you potrayed the charcters! Raven's thoughts and feelings were perfect:) I really hope to see more Damirae fics from you soon!
Bebewolf chapter 1 . 3/31
I am hoping for more damirae fics from you!
Bebewolf chapter 1 . 3/30
im looking forward to more of your damian and raven fics!
Jester6199 chapter 3 . 3/24
please continue this. i want to see how they react if the relationship becomes public
Guest chapter 2 . 3/17
Lian, Sin, Carrie Kelly

Zoe Lawton
Rebecca Langstrom

Fennec Fox
Maya Ducard
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9
Raven has the biggest bosom of all the girls, hips as wide as her shoulders and her shapely legs, she can fight at least as equal to Starfire and she was trained by the Warlords of Okaara, they've trained some of the greatest warriors in the DCverse or even Wondergirl, and Lady Legasus

I always wanted Raven with Goth Boy him like Captain Marvel with Rorek and Malchior his dragon familiar or have them some kind of amalgam like Dante or virgil from Devil May Cry with guns, sword, guitar that makes lightning storms, magic briefcase/backpack/Santa's magic sack/bag cloak (White Shadow-camo/night camo) pull anything from, but black clothes or like a good teenage Dr. Doom/Lord Havok master of sorcery and superscience or from hidden kingdom that avoided White Martians' ancient experiments and thus stronger, tougher, and faster than Kryptonians like Vartox/Paragon as well as inherit white plasma on par with the Starheart/Shazam's magic lightning or Prince Stygia like kid Eternity, or a teenage Shadow (Kent Allard/Lamont Cranston) or Spider (Richard Wentworth) but like Edison Rex’s Eclipse I or Shine- Good teenage clone of Darkseid when he was still human looking spliced with Drax the Infinity Man and Highfather and Yuga Khan

Lian Sin or age appropriate Carrie Kelly

Zoe Lawton
Rebecca Langstrom