Reviews for let's dance, in Rome, at midnight
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22
Love your writing style so much! Please please write more Darvey stories. You are super talented ! m ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29
MarinaWilliam chapter 1 . 4/10
Your writing is amazing! I loved it so much. Is there a possibility to see them in Italy?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5
You are brilliant, you fucking nailed it ,write more please
Thanks chapter 1 . 4/5
You are amazing, please continue to bless us with your talent. TQ
babzfgm chapter 1 . 3/18
I already got chills and I just started. This is gonna be good.
Uhhh, he was too busy doing someone else. Well. Not for long darling.
I’m patiently waiting for this bomb to go off.
Ok, food porn just got a whole new meaning.
Cause you know that it’s delicate DELICATE.

Honestly, I have no words. This was just perfection. Dear lord.
heavenindaylight chapter 1 . 3/17
EXCUSE ME! That is the most tender, intimate and hot story I’ve read in a while. How you captured everything from doubt, the tension, flirting, the slow realization they were finally on the same page, THE KISS outside del posto good lord that was something else!

The foreplay and sex was HOT, but you managed so perfectly to balance it with emotion throughout. I’m floored!

But this had me tearing up:
“ It's crazy, she thinks, how a person can feel a connection so deep with another. And it's not mind reading, it's not anticipating actions, it's not 'I'm Donna'; because she is Donna and she indeed does her thing on everyone else but right now, she thinks she never really had to do it with Harvey. With him, it's so much more. So much more than just empathy and her awesome brain. She doesn't read him. She sees through him and she accepts him and she gets him, in every way. And suddenly it's not crazy as much as it's just incredibly right.”

Standing ovations!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15
So. Damn. HOT!
soliflukcja chapter 1 . 3/14
I don't agree! You must write something else, it can't be your one and only story. It was sooooooooo good.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11
Amazing. Honestly, so much truth in your writing about those two. Can you do something please: write a second one shot... about their Italian trip ;) That would be so nice
Specter-Paulsen chapter 1 . 3/13
Oh my lord. This is perfection. I can’t believe it’s your first fic! You absolutely need to write more, if they’re going to be like this!
OR... you could write a continuation and let us see what they get up to in Italy ;)

This is some seriously incredible smut, realistic and fantastic all at one. And the dinner at Del Posto leading up to it was so awesome as well - the playing footsie under the table was HOT and also really sweet at the same time. Wonderful idea and wonderful writing. Thank you for writing and posting it!
southsidesister chapter 1 . 3/13
This was really hot! And what a great build up of tension! Great job!
AimeeValle1 chapter 1 . 3/13


For some reason the pace of a story is super important to me. I need the right balance of details and description, with dialogue and action. The story has to move along at a pretty rapid pace to hold my interest. Your fic did that perfectly!

Another important aspect is the combination of angst, humor, tenderness, and suspense. You gave us just enough of each of these. The pinkie scene in the car was one of the hottest and most intense scenes I've read and it was just finger touching for God's sake! That is a sign of brilliant writing.

The whole dinner at Del Posto was perfect. The shocking invitation to Italy with no real explanation was SO HARVEY. It gave me butterflies and made me laugh at the same time. And you wrote Donna really well, and she is hard to write. Every word felt so spot on I believed it was her one hundred percent. The leg touching took the finger rubbing to whole new level and I was ALL IN!

So I loved it before I even read the sex scene, but I won't lie, THAT made me fall in love all over again! Sex is so difficult to write and every reader has different tastes and preferences (see what I did there). All I can say is that your writing was EXACTLY what I love. Just the perfect blend of hot AF, with the dirty language and crossing of some lines, but still classy and somehow romantic.

You have an incredible talent, and trust me when I say I know writing takes a lot out of us, but please don't stop. You are way too good for that. I would be happy to join your team if you ever needed me .

Wow, isa. Just Wow. -Aimee
Jessicaa1567 chapter 1 . 3/12
This was so sexy and so good I loved it !
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10
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