Reviews for SuperPotterLock - The Order of the Phoenix
Meep chapter 13 . 10/11
Are you going to include Sam's death visions? I'm not sure if you would slip that in at this point since there are already a lot of subplots going on, but you did still have the thing where Azaziel tried to kidnap and "recruit" them when they were little, so he probably did the demon blood thing on Sam. I'm assuming that he's going to take divination next year, since he seems to be pretty interested in Seers, so maybe he'll start showing symptoms of demon powers then? Wait, is he so interested in Seers because he unconsciously knows that it's somehow connected to him, or because he already has mild symptoms of having visions that he keeps private so he is researching them partly for himself? Or maybe you only made him do a lot of research on them just because in the show he was always in charge of the research part cause he kinda liked it and I'm over analyzing this.
Either way, could you please respond to this? I really want answers.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/18
These stories are awesome. I usually don't like Johnlock or Destiel fanfics, but these are so good that I don't even care. Keep up the good work!
ConstantineHolmes chapter 13 . 9/18
I'm glad you're back. This revelation with Castiel will lead to interesting twists in the story. I quite enjoy it.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/13
In their 7th year, I don't know which of the new characters you plan on sending with Harry to run away to find the horcruxs, but back at hogwarts when death eaters take over and forced kids to use unforgivable curses and stuff, you should describe the golden trio 2.0 (Neville, Ginny, and Luna) and how they helped the old DA members hide and stuff. I've always wanted JK Rowling to write a side story about what is was like for them at hogwarts that year. You should definitely include the part where Neville refused to use the Cruciatus curse on the 1st years so the death eaters torcher him as punishment.
ConstantineHolmes chapter 12 . 8/7
Quite brilliant. I like the way you write the characters, and their interactions with one another. I feel like Castiel would react differently to seeing the damage done to Dean, but beyond that, everything is quite perfect.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/7
Don't worry about it, I love long chapters!
Morgan Tara Befan chapter 12 . 8/7
Yay, Deanstiel
I mean, I'm more of a johnlock fan, but I can't resist to young and awkward love !

And as always, my little tradition to Umbridge : SHUT THE F**K UP YOU SPAWN OF A ********** AND ******** !

Time Lord Consultant chapter 11 . 7/22
Oh this is wonderful. I especially love the interaction between Cas and Dean.
Morgan Tara Befan chapter 11 . 7/22
Yeah Dean ! Stand against that b*tch !
*"Take The Power Back" from Rage Against The Machine playing in background*
Time Lord Consultant chapter 10 . 7/10
Thank you for uploading again. Fabulous as always.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/10
Thank you for updating! I hope I will not have to wait too long for the next chapter, but even if I have to then I'm sure it will be worth it because these stories are so great.
Morgan Tara Befan chapter 10 . 7/10
Ok, Fudge isn't here, but the Pink B**ch dared interrupt Dumbledore to make her own president candidate-like speech so I'll say it :
Shut up, B**ch X-C
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5
Morgause Pendragon chapter 9 . 6/24
Oooooo what a good chapter! Left me hooked yet again :D Wonder what’s up with Cas :o
Guest chapter 9 . 6/19
These have been really good! I can't wait for new chapters. Is Mary going to be involved anytime soon or not at all?
I also have a suggestion! Maybe during the deathly hallows one then you can have Sam and maybe Sherlock and Cass still at Hogwarts so we can see what it was like when Voldemort took over the school and how they coped with it.
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