Reviews for Harry Asked, Dumbledore Answered
Potter Abducted by Penguins chapter 50 . 7/26
I really liked reading this story. It was different, and I like different. You did a great job!
Abby678 chapter 22 . 7/26
well that was anticlimactic. Voldemort dying so easily. how many times is it now? Three I guess.
ARSanchez17 chapter 50 . 7/19
ok, I've got to say, great story. I have read it several times. Great plot, character development. I look forward to future stories (I have only read this one, currently reading several others). Again, Thank you.
teachergirl chapter 50 . 7/14
I thoroughly enjoyed your story. I appreciate that you allowed Harry to give up on Hermione. She gave up too easily on Harry and didn't deserve him.
MrsFH chapter 50 . 7/13
What an original twist to the story! Thank you for the well-written tale. I enjoyed it very much.
guest chapter 50 . 7/9
wow, that was quite the story and turn of events. i enjoyed your premise that harry sought help, and actually received it, something that should have always occurred i think. i was disappointed to see hermione be so shallow, but at least she had good friends too. harry had a happy ending and family so that's what's most important. and your turn with voldemort was hilarious. thank you for the great story!
morcheller chapter 50 . 7/10
Another moral from this story is to beware putting more faith in authority figures than they deserve and to follow your own heart rather than blindly following their instructions.
Sakura-Cherryblossom4 chapter 50 . 7/9
I really enjoyed this. Spent the last three days reading it. Thanks for writing this, and for really taking the characters to a new place. I’m usually a Drarry fan but Harry married a Malfoy anyway so I’m happy with that. It would have been nice to get a little more info about Harry’s kids though.
Jimbocous chapter 50 . 7/7
Thanks for an incredibly good read! Your Hermione was quite believable, if totally unlikable, and again kudos for ignoring the easy tropes and going for the real. Also, thanks for the refreshing a/n at the end, though I'm not as optimistic as you that sanity will prevail. Again, great stuff!
treeko313 chapter 50 . 7/6
This was really underrated and exceptionally throughout novel. I'm saddened by the story coming to an end but I like to think that this isn't the end of your writings. Thank you so much for the story and i hope you have a wonderful day.
MajorChaos13 chapter 50 . 7/6
It was a great story and im glad to have been part of this journey. Really enjoyed the way everyone ended up and i was really glad that harry didnt keep pining for hermione. Over all it was a really nice story and the world building was done really well. Looking forward to any future work of you keep writing.
katmom chapter 31 . 7/5
So glad he’s quick!
katmom chapter 30 . 7/5
Whoa! That took a turn!
mooneysfate chapter 29 . 7/4
lovely update! i think sirius has totally lost any good opinion that harry may have had of him and will never be accepted by harry as a possible guardian for him. and lupin has also lost any positives for harry. and dumbles is a git. love the story! :)
Marj123 chapter 29 . 7/3
As I will be out of range of reliable internet for several weeks, I plan to upload the rest of of the story (20 chapters) before the end of the week.
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