Reviews for The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy
DracoDurmiendo chapter 20 . 12h
Wow, I never thought I would see anyone give Bellatrix Lestrange that much character depth. Normally she's only written as "Mad Dog on Half a Chain", even in canon. Seeing those insights into her "alchemical transition" as you put it, especially from Nacissa's perspective, was amazing. Your writing is just astounding. Thank you for continuing, even when the world is falling apart.
Tosha Patel chapter 20 . 7/24
update soon
Kiki chapter 20 . 7/24
I love this story so much. Thank you for writing it, it’s really one of the best out here. Really hope you’re doing okay!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/23
i adore you and this story. hope you’re ok darling
viola1701e chapter 20 . 7/23
Narcissa and Lucius should just take out Bellatrix.
Nongarak chapter 20 . 7/21
asdfkjl; I can see Helena Bonham Carter clear as a bell in my mind's eye. Wild & terrifying.

Thank you so much for continuing to write this, despite family concerns. I hope you and everyone you love is well 3.
IsileeTandem chapter 20 . 7/20
sorry narcissa, but I gotta say, now is when you gotta murder your sister. No way in hell is the dark lord OR bella sparing Draco, and you're walking a tightrope already. Better to bet on not-living-in-fear-eventually
apls79 chapter 20 . 7/20
This is a great take on a Dramione DH. I look forward to seeing how this continues.
AnotherAddicted chapter 17 . 7/19
You never fail to impress me. I'd been trying to read as slow as possible, read a chapter every one a week or two. I tried so hard to keep my reading pace as slow as a sloth! And now I'm at chapter 17, almost reach your latest update. This story is so intriguing. You wrote it good. I think I love it more than Tied for Last and that story was my most favorite from yours. (Well, Tomione is good but nothing beats Dramione, imo)

Wish you would update sooner but I understand brilliant writings take time.
summerful21 chapter 20 . 7/18
Ack the plot thickens! I always love your writing. Sending hugs re the family crisis!
TaylorMade chapter 20 . 7/17
Brilliant. As always. Check your PM for more.
GlaszHeart chapter 20 . 7/16
I'm sorry to hear that your family is facing struggles right now Speech. I hope that whatever your troubles are, they will be resolved soon. It's such a difficult time already that when regular life adds problems, it can feel just so overwhelming... Your readers are very devoted because you put so much into the production of your stories and we really appreciate and enjoy them. While we're all very excited to know what happens next, we can wait patiently while you take the time you need! Thank you for not abandoning your story!
gooeystar83 chapter 20 . 7/16
Wow, so interesting! I wonder if Draco will get a hold of the Elder Wand & be its true owner, like in the books (but that he actually gets to use it this time or something, lol?), at least temporarily. And oh boy, this thing with Bellatrix might not go well...treading on thin ice here; i almost feel bad for the sisters. Poor Draco, man, he'll be stuck between a rock & a hard wall...
Niki1213 chapter 20 . 7/14
I hope everything's okay, I'll send you a hug. As always an excellent chapter.
vacantvagrant chapter 19 . 7/14
wow, that ministry propaganda is intense!
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