Reviews for Eyes That Reflect the Soul
Guest chapter 8 . 7/7
This just started in the butterflies are everywhere I love it
A Simple Library chapter 18 . 7/5
Done! Finally caught up... and I'm saying this right now... if you keep doing cliffhangers, I will be very very angry...
A Simple Library chapter 8 . 7/5
It's cool...
A Simple Library chapter 5 . 7/5
Really hope that Chakra doesn't become commonplace in Remnant, that'll just be boring...
RyuNoYami666 chapter 18 . 7/2
Lo prometido es deuda.
Un gran capitulo sin duda aunque en este punto no tengo mucho que opinar, la historia ya tomó su rumbo y solo puedo ver como avanza. El harém sigue sin gustarme pero dentro de todo se mantiene "lógico". Creo sinceramente que la razón de que este fic me guste tanto es lo diferente de los otros fics que suelo leer, quiero decir: Sasuke es el protagonista y tiene una forma de ver el mundo mucho más optimista de lo que suelo leer.
Considerando que los fics que leo tienen visiones crueles y realistas del mundo esto es un soplo de aire fresco.
Aqui te dejo un ejemplo de los fics que leo; s/13311346/1/Not-Worth-Fixing
NightmareKnight1 chapter 5 . 7/2
Your English may be acceptable, but God is it a pain to have to parse what exactly you're trying to convey in this story. If you're going to write in English, you might want to look into getting a beta or maybe finding an app like Grammarly. Don't know how well it would work for a non-native speaker, but I always hear other people saying how it works well for them.
MrKeyFox chapter 1 . 6/30
My general annoyance aside I know this is your first fic and for a first fic its better than most you do things most other crossover writers wouldn't do like Sasuke not outright denying he's a god even kinda owning it, something the vast majority of writers would vehemently have the character deny such nonsense purely bc sacrilege i guess... So good job. Sasuke having genuine reflection however retardedly executed again most writers just gloss over that for spontaneous character shifts for no reason. Good job.
Most readers prefer harems bc their ships gets in regardless so eh...
MrKeyFox chapter 18 . 6/30
Uchihas cry tears of blood after they unlock the mangekyou sharingan. Surprised anyone remembers that detail considering Kishimoto forgets it himself but i don't think that's what you're going for. If he says gods cry bloody tears he wouldn't be wrong. I'm an asshole so don't take my insults to seriously your story aint bad aint good either its alright what you do with Sasuke pisses me cuse you clearly know jack about his character. You know somethings but not enough to do him justice the indra bit proves so much it hurts and a wast of words better used for having character development not what whatever that shit is but i digress.
MrKeyFox chapter 17 . 6/30
Well your theories are fucking wrong. Trash.
MrKeyFox chapter 15 . 6/30
Meh shit chapter especially Indras part quite literally pointless.
MrKeyFox chapter 14 . 6/30
Im a say this now but you gotta work on your pacing there should be at least three extra chapters for this chapter one that leads into this chapter another when the test starts "cause that was rushed to fuck and back and one for Sasuke getting to know the female cast. Maybe more when i get to the other chapters.
MrKeyFox chapter 11 . 6/30
Before Boruto retconed everything Kaguya and the others were considered aliens from another dimension now they're gods for some bullshit reason. It was talked about in one of the gaiden books.
MrKeyFox chapter 10 . 6/30
If you have Sasuke reveal that he's from another world well you'll be a shit writer and be like 91% of the writers on this site.
MrKeyFox chapter 2 . 6/29
Nice of sasuke to be an idiot let an obviously evil person go and even use genjutsu when he said he wouldn't. If you're gonna be a bad writer make it less obvious cause what you just did is disgusting.
RIDIKOULAS chapter 18 . 6/29
I like this. Keep up the good work
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