Reviews for A Study in Anatomy
itzatakahashi chapter 1 . 7/1
I know the title says study...but really did any studying get done...nope and that's the way it should be...I liked it... awesome
Alannada chapter 1 . 3/30
This was a fun read
Spooky Noodle Sauce chapter 1 . 3/30
Okay, up until the sexy part, that was hilarious. I specially liked the "clusterfuck of artificial sweetners and he sneezed in her face" and him using her ass as a table. Really nice. Hope to read more from you in the future.
InuKagLover 1992 chapter 1 . 3/27
Well that was a very interesting and sexy start to this story, and I'm certainly looking forward to more, so please update very soon.