Reviews for The Gentle Sniper
CajunBear73 chapter 9 . 7/24
Krogan took care of two things...didn't he? Johann's leash is tighter and Finn and his group escaped due to the distraction he caused.

Now with Hiccup and his Team chasing down Finn, Astrid's going to blow a gasket when she finds out family turned traitor...

CHSHiccstrid chapter 8 . 6/24
Man. A lot happened in this chapter. Will we get the know the full story at some point? Will Finn ever be found? And will Hiccstrid actually make it through this all? Also I’m super confused as to what is going on at the end of this chapter. Someone needs to explain.
CajunBear73 chapter 8 . 6/23
Hiccup's recon may turn up some very good leads as Gobber and Cami tell of things in their pasts that help explain the present.

And Drago's outfit seems about to be ready to make their move...

CajunBear73 chapter 7 . 5/8
Don't think Snot's going to learn from what went down in training...

And it appears Viggo's setting something up that may not be good for Hiccup or his Team, or anyone who is hunting for Finn Hofferson.

CHSHiccstrid chapter 7 . 5/8
Looks like Snotlout got schooled. Take than boyo. Cami you better heal up. You’re going to need to be in perfect condition I'm sure. Oh Astrid if only you knew. If only you knew. I don’t think he’s on outcast island anymore Hiccup. Good luck anyways.
Bdog3601 chapter 6 . 5/6
Love this story the military aspect is interesting and love the hiccstrid
CHSHiccstrid chapter 6 . 5/6
This chapter went from sadness to happy girly gossip. I knew Gothi would win. That woman surprises everyone. I can’t wait to see how you write out the next chapter!
CajunBear73 chapter 6 . 5/2
Nice sendoff for Eret as friends, loved ones and associates all gathered to say goodbye. Then the toasts to finalize the farewells...

Always saw Gothi as someone who could hold her liquor better than anyone in that bar, too...

A date planned and Tiramisu to learn to make? Hiccup's got his hands full.

Night Fire or The Creature chapter 5 . 4/28
The storm has become diminished but the waves coming real soon
starlightandpie chapter 5 . 4/28
This fic is really really good! You did a good job describing the settings and I like how you wrote the character interactions. Especially between hiccup and astrid, they were nice and simple and direct and I love seeing that in fics. There were some bits where I felt like there was less emotion and more details, like it took on a more clinical sort of tone (does that make any sense?) but it's a really enjoyable read so far! I'm interested in seeing Astrid's reaction when she finds out he's trying to kill her uncle and I'm also looking forward to seeing the mole situation to develop more. Keep writing, you're doing great!
CHSHiccstrid chapter 5 . 4/26
Nice chapter. I kind of with this wasn’t how they became on better terms though. It just doesn’t feel like them. You know what I mean? Nicely written though. Is Johann still evil in this story? I’m thinking so. But we shall see... O can’t wait to see what happens next. Hopefully Astrid catches her guys.
CajunBear73 chapter 5 . 4/23
Cami's still trying and Hiccup's not accepting...Don't think she's going to quit anytime soon, either. Meh, that's her problem...

Hiccup knew to not go back to something that was another train wreck, repeated as far as he was concerned, with her...

Stumbling across Astrid at Johann's was timely and it helped get Astrid over her one-and-done suggestion with Hiccup...He may be more agreeable about her change of mind too...

But their day-jobs and their individual histories may make things quite hard to deal with and overcome if dating or more is in their future...

beandream chapter 4 . 4/20
yeh more of this is needed in the world
CHSHiccstrid chapter 4 . 4/20
I love this story. I kind of abandoned looking at your page because you weren’t writing anything I was really interested in but now I’m kind of regretting it because I missed some good stuff. At least it was easy to catch up on. Hiccup in this story seems so mature and just so totally awesome. Astrid seems like a good girl and I hope they see each other again soon. I also hope she doesn’t get injured in this chase. Is the gang all going to come together at some point? I hope so. Maybe add cami into them? Eh that’s probably unlikely considering her and Hiccups relationship.
Night Fire or The Creature chapter 4 . 4/12
Intriguing my fellow friend the mission got complicated, calm before the storm
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