Reviews for The New Horizon
Runereader of the Nightwings chapter 13 . 8/6
Ah Yes. 'RiverClan just fucking dies' perfect explanation for this chapter.

TBH its seriously Dark because I bet RiverClan retreated into the water as a defense hoping to turn the tide (ha) and instead were faced with insanely well trained, lethal, water-trained warriors. Jesus.
Xalixcs chapter 12 . 8/2
So I just read the whole story till now.
I gotta say, this is great. I love the way you describe them loosing control of their power.
It's different for once, to think that they can be actually overwhelmed by that.
I like that idea!
Can't wait for more about that!
Runereader of the Nightwings chapter 12 . 7/9
Wait- They're leaving SkyClan?! I have to admit I wasn't expecting that. TBH, I was expecting them to sit there until the Clans dispatched a patrol to beg them to come back. But then again, I guess that would make a pretty boring/dry narrative... I guess onto twolegplace!
SunKatt chapter 12 . 7/9
Wow searching for home must be hard! This is sooo good keep writing and stay creative!Sun
SavvySpirit chapter 11 . 6/20
Aww. an Echo X Freckle X Jay tongue lashing is in order?
Minnowsplash of Riverclan chapter 11 . 6/17
I wonder how it will be evil oh well at least there's some RavenxBarley in this that's all I care about right now
Runereader of the Nightwings chapter 11 . 6/17
SkyClan! Wooo now we get to see great interactions. aka literally Jayfeather and everyone else.
puppydogs68 chapter 11 . 6/17
This is a great story! :D
I’m excited for the next chapter! Also, I think you captured Jayfeather’s personality really well.
SavvySpirit chapter 10 . 6/1
Huh. Wow. Berrynose. Who would've guessed?
You do 3D sculpting? school has a 3D program but it overlaps with my math academy so I can't do it.
Glad you're back! Oh, and when I'm feeling wierd, I make myself a good, old-fashioned cup of tea. Rooibos or chamomile. Earl Grey is lovely, too. Try it! It tends to calm me down a bit. A cup, some biscuits, chocolate(I absolutely love chocolate), and a good classic is pretty relaxing.
Fallen Leaves is an interesting guy.
Yeah, that was me commenting on random stuff in this chappie. Fun.
Bye! Keep writing! Have fun doing your sculpting! Teach me sometime LOL_
With lots of luv,
Juniperblaze chapter 4 . 5/10
I like DoveBumble more.
SavvySpirit chapter 9 . 4/30
...that's just sad. But you aren't completely giving up, are you?
TheRealThunderlake chapter 9 . 4/30
Please take as much time as you need! Your mental health is the most important thing right now!
Runereader of the Nightwings chapter 9 . 4/29
Take all the time you need. Exams and Tests are kicking my ass as well right now. And I've had Writer's block for... 6 months now I think? Dunno. But I get it.

Also, Great Chapter, I look forward to the next update whether that's in a month, two, three, or even a year.
Stellar Orbit chapter 9 . 4/29
I miss Ravenpaw. He’s much more... what’s the word?... CONFIDENT that’s it. I don’t think he ever would have done this before.

I miss Frostfur too. She was so nice. Until she thought Ravenpaw was a traitor.. oh well.

I hope you feel better soon :) good luck with the sculpture
Minnowsplash of Riverclan chapter 9 . 4/29
My life is spiraling out of control to though probably not as much as yours
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