Reviews for Green Light in the Dark
FateTheNightWing chapter 34 . 7/29
WOOO! Can't wait till next chapter!
Lost chapter 34 . 7/25
Love it!
bunnywabbit29 chapter 34 . 7/27
awesome- great writing skill!
can't wait for the next update
qwerty.90472 chapter 34 . 7/25
Aww her and Theo are actually kinda cute lol.
And i love how she’s into fashion and makeup too! You don’t really see that in stories so it’s refreshing to see
This was a great chapter!
Ghostwriter71 chapter 34 . 7/25
It's nice that they can just be kids for an evening, without an other real worries.
FateTheNightWing chapter 33 . 7/13
Ghostwriter71 chapter 33 . 7/5
I like how she was worried about not being able to go to the Gala. :) It shows she's not just afraid of Sirius, you know? Like, she still has a life to live, too. As for the inevitable meeting between Sirius and Aurora, I hope it's not a, "You're evil and I hate you!" straight into, "Oh Father, I love you now that I know the truth!" I mean, I hope she takes a good while to actually accept him.

And I'm sure it's in the story somewhere, but is Sirius aware that he has a daughter? I'd figure he must be since she's Harry's age which means it was a year, give or take, from her birth to him going to prison.
Ryo Oh Ki7 chapter 33 . 7/4
Love love love.
Thanks for sharing!
HPuni101 chapter 33 . 7/4
Love your story. Aurora's an awesome character. I particularly liked that she wasn't a trio tag along. Excited for more.
HPuni101 chapter 32 . 7/3
Love your creativity and the friendships and dynamics you've written. Happy that she went to live with the Tonks'. Excited for third year. I hope she learns that Sirius is innocent, although I can't imagine them having a good relationship. It'll be interesting if they'll be able to use Grimmauld Place later on.
HPuni101 chapter 27 . 7/3
Love that Aurora and Harry faced off. Excited for more.
HPuni101 chapter 25 . 7/3
So creative that she can see death. I wonder if she'll figure the mystery out first.
HPuni101 chapter 19 . 7/3
Your writing and creativity is excellent. Excited for second year.
kpop1392as chapter 33 . 7/3
I love the relationship Aurora and Tonks have together, I like that the Tonks' adore Aurora. I enjoyed reading this chapter and story.
HPuni101 chapter 14 . 7/3
Feel for her. I hope she ends up with someone. I would've thought Lucius would want her guardianship because of her fortune. That encounter with Death was intriguing and chilling. I hope she gets back at Snape the prick. Excited for more.
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