Reviews for Drei
StarBeastYuki chapter 10 . 11/6/2011

keep up the Kurti 3:)
Shadow.Katzchen chapter 10 . 4/23/2008
NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! You can NOT just finish a chapter like that and not update! I wanna no wat they want with Kitty so UPDATE!
Puidwen chapter 10 . 7/14/2007
Dee Bryant chapter 10 . 10/6/2006
I am VERY frightened now. What else can they do before they are put back to normal? there even such a thing with Kurt? Also, just what will everyone do to him once he's been turned back into one person?
Goddess of Unfinished Projects chapter 5 . 1/24/2006
I want to draw that image ofthem all sleeping in the bed! It sounds positively adorable!
night chapter 10 . 10/14/2005
plesz keep writing hilarious
MasterBrattan chapter 10 . 5/8/2005
i can't wait to see how this will end.
MasterBrattan chapter 7 . 5/8/2005
oh dear lord. bayville has entered hell.
MasterBrattan chapter 6 . 5/8/2005
this was funnier than the last, i can't stop laughing
MasterBrattan chapter 2 . 5/8/2005
this one was so funny! this is good!
MasterBrattan chapter 1 . 5/8/2005
ooh, i bet amanda would just love this, if you catch my drift.
nova bomb chapter 10 . 3/27/2005
GREAT. UPDATE SOON. i have an idea why dont you have the army prank Magneto. and is Kelly the pricabel yet if so prank him as well! good luck brakeing your writers block!
EE's Skysong chapter 10 . 3/6/2005
Oh my GOD this is funny! I love the kinky, sadistic, after Kitty Kurt...s! Please, I beg, update soon!
Jamocha a.k.a. Bella chapter 1 . 2/25/2005

I can help you with pranks too. Try using some of the pranks you used in I Hate Americans. Oh, and please update that one too!

Here is one prank of my own: Find a way to get everyone out of the mansion then have them replace the floor with manure, and have tons of fishing wire to trip people.

Another one is: Put motion detectors in the house almost everywhere, then program the computers to say that the house will self distruct when someone sets a motion detector off.
Airene-too-lazy-to-login chapter 10 . 2/12/2005
Fuzzy elves! _ I love Nightcrawler and nine of him is even better! I just have to know what Kitty can do to get them back together again. Please write more soon!

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