Reviews for So Much To Save
peterbilt67 chapter 1 . 7/6
i love the birthday for the condo! such a michael i teared up when michael asked pam to send the e-vite...on to chapter 2!
demitruli chapter 5 . 5/23
Wow, wow, WOW! I read the last three chapters to get in the mindset before reading this one, and now I'm pretty much high on this fic, and I can tell you: it's the best feeling EVER. Once again, such an amazing update! I couldn't stop beaming the whole way through! I loved how soft and pure and ADORABLE the hand-holding part was, and that moment they took for themselves before the party was such a brilliant move, and much needed! The kiss at the doorstep... the smiles... the looks... Seriously you made me feel everything with this chapter. And it was the most satisfying thing to have Michael react to them entering together and holding hands, OH MY GOSH! I literally squealed out loud at that! This was the most perfect ending, to such an incredible fic... I can never thank you enough for this gift - because this is what it is. Just the greatest gift. I'm left in awe once again. I will miss checking my email for alerts that you have updated... I hope you have something else on the works for us after this, because I honesly can't get enough of your writing, and of stories like this one. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! YOU'RE A GEM!
nummington79 chapter 5 . 5/23
Oh this is just perfection. I love them so much. Please update us again soon I love it xx
iamacliche chapter 4 . 5/15
I finally had a chance to read this, and I really enjoyed it! As always, you write the Pam/Jim relationship dynamic so well, and I think you did a great job incorporating Michael into this as a pivotal way of bridging the two back together. You did a great job writing Michael true to character as someone who means well and is still goofy and sweet, and I also liked how you made Pam a bit bolder/more assertive with that email to Jim. I can't wait to see how this all ends in Michael's party; I hope you have a chance to update this soon!
demitruli chapter 4 . 5/3
Dude. DUDE! I cannot tell you how excited I get every time I get a notice for this story, and GOODNESS, you never disappoint, do you? I had to pause several times during this chapter just to remind myself to breathe! And now that it's over I'm left all red and panting, squealing like a ten year old. I love this story so damn much, and I am so thankful to you for sharing it with us. It's such a brilliant gem! YOU'RE AMAZING! I can't wait for the party!
Mwac chapter 4 . 5/3
Pam with that big energy! I can’t wait for the party to see how everyone involved acts!
MaroonerJ chapter 3 . 4/26
Really enjoying this. Looking forward to the next chapter!
nummington79 chapter 1 . 4/18
I love this so much. I can't wait till they meet up again please update ️
demitruli chapter 3 . 4/13
Wow, wow, WOW! What a breathtaking conversation! Seriously you've set this up in such an incredible way that I was barely daring to scroll down, sentence to sentence, because this is so fragile right now and I am too invested in this story not to be terrified of thoughtless words that could be... misinterpreted in a horrible way this time. Just... wow. I'm in awe. This is absolutely incredible. I cannot wait for Friday and Michael's party! Seriously getting the notification that you updated made my whole day. Thank you so much for updating!
Mwac chapter 3 . 4/13
The anticipation of them meeting again face to face is killing me. Can’t wait until the next update!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8
Love your stuff. You have their mannerisms down perfectly.
demitruli chapter 2 . 4/7
This story is SO powerful, so well -paced, so perfectly written that I can hear the voices of the characters ring in my ears, from Jam to Dwight to Michael. I guess only you have the ability to do that, so it shouldn't come as a surprise anymore, yet I can't help but be so damn impressed every time. You literally made me squeal at Jim almost spilling his coffee when he saw the emails, such good stuuuuuff! Girl, thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece. Honestly, as long as you're here writing, we'll be reading. You're awesome. THANK YOU!