Reviews for Naruto: Tale of a Maelstrom
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 9/9
monsterkillers124 chapter 1 . 8/25
I was wondering if you plan on continuing the story it's a interesting story
PinkiePieParty122894 chapter 1 . 7/7
Love it:)
monsterkillers124 chapter 1 . 4/20
well you definitely need to update if you want some criticism but so far it's good
XxDashiexX chapter 1 . 4/9
i always read fics fast so i wont find sny typos but good writing, love the way its written too, can't wait for more
Marsjan chapter 1 . 4/7
I have hopes and dreams that this story will be continued.
Kilare T'suna chapter 1 . 4/6
I too see frisk as female. Hmm, I wonder that if sasuke has truly killed Naruto, then did he get the mangekyou sharingan. I also want to see where this goes
Aclux chapter 1 . 4/6
continues the friendly story that proves it has potential to become a fantastic read
GamerX568 chapter 1 . 4/6
Seriously, Sasuke wasn't that bad. If he was then he would have killed Naruto at that point in Canon.