Reviews for Effloresce
Renu chapter 1 . 5/17
I don't remember signing myself on for a feels trip. TAT jfc it felt like an emotional roller coaster. I want MOAR !
foxxywinter chapter 1 . 4/21
Truly, deeply and profoundly touching. I loved it.
YouNeverCanTell chapter 1 . 4/19
Gorgeous story. I loved Azula's progress throughout.
Don't Touch My Walkman chapter 1 . 4/19
This was true beauty. It tugged my heartstrings in just the right way.
Zentarra chapter 1 . 4/19
Oh, I love this.
ReachableDig41 chapter 1 . 4/10
Always loved your writing and this story is no different! Would be awesome to see a part 2 or further storytelling!
Distracted by Lemons chapter 1 . 4/9
Awesome story. I liked the balance between realistic and sweet so there could be cuteness while Azula was, well, Azula. Usagi was really cute too. I liked the flowers as a pattern throughout and Ty Lee's desire to believe in Azula even when she was afraid of her. It would have been cool if there was a flashback to the blood oath especially since it was so sad that Mai and Azula never made amends in so many years.
drunken hipster chick chapter 1 . 4/9
The last two lines were gorgeous.
korrasarmyy chapter 1 . 4/9
So cute!
alice-in-hollywoodland chapter 1 . 4/9
I loved this. I've never seen Azula's fear of imperfection used in this context and I think it was well done. Some parts were a little rushed but overall the pacing was good. Usagi was cute and I love the nod to Spring Fever (and connected stories) where Ty Lee has a daughter named Bunny. I figure that was intentional. The ending brought a real, true smile to my face.
the-blonde-jennie chapter 1 . 4/9
Oh my God this is one of the sweetest stories I've read in my life. I think that's because it was more dramatic than fluffy, and while fluff is great, this warmed my heart more deeply because of the way it built over the course of the story.
xXhiddenbeautyXP chapter 1 . 4/7
This was very beautiful. The ending was so sweet but I definitely cheered. It's interesting to know that no TyZula story, even if it were canon, would never have a toxic partner but I love the commitment to being better here by Azula. This was the sweetest thing I've read whole day.
CharlieBarrow chapter 1 . 4/7
ThisUnitHasNoSoul chapter 1 . 4/6
Very cute fic!
SlytherinSchoolgirl chapter 1 . 4/6
I don't see children written well as often as I would like. She was precocious, curious, intelligent but still childlike. The characterization did well at making her truly Ty Lee's daughter and therefore making it easier for Azula to accept her.
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