Reviews for Quarantined
Guest chapter 4 . 4/25
Monopoly! I knew it! XD 24 players?! It's gonna take FOREVER to finish the game! How are there even that many pieces?! What about getting your turn? That alone is gonna take quite an amount of time! It's cool to hear about more characters that are here, though! I think there's a mistake in this chapter. It's says there's a note, but it's only a short part of the beginning of the game with nothing else. Was there an error? Just letting you know. Guess that didn't take long at all! Hope you stay safe, and don't worry about rushing to come back. Figure out and take care of what you need to. I hope you have a great rest of the day/night! Thanks again for writing!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/25
Heh, Neo's Neo. Pretty sure she'd act like that. I wonder how she's so resistant to cold? Then again, Jaune didn't look cold either. Hmm. Poor Emerald. I do think she's in an illusion. However, I'm pretty sure (nah, DEFINITELY sure) that Cinder isn't dead. Maybe she'll come around sometime. All-dayer? What is it, Monopoly? XD I'm not sure I'll be able to find out at this point. Yes, we did celebrate His resurrection on Easter. He has power over ALL things, even death! Hope you had a great Easter, even though it was quite some time ago. On to the next chapter, but I'll say thanks for writing now in case I don't get to finishing it right away. Uh, thanks for writing XD
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23
Cool, more characters! Why the huge breakfast, I want pancakes now! XD DX I know you're on hiatus and I didn't read the last two chapters yet, but I'm really hoping to see Ozpin. All the other characters are nice and I enjoy reading about them, but Ozpin's my favorite and I'd really like to see him :D Guess I'll just have to wait and see! Thank you for writing! I'll read the last two at some point. Have a good rest of the day/night!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/23
Interesting...I wonder who's here and what'll happen. It's cool that characters like Trifa might be here. Great introduction! Might read more, have a good rest of the day/night!
merendinoemiliano chapter 4 . 4/17
Quite nice chapter, poor guys.
merendinoemiliano chapter 3 . 4/14
Really sweet and funny chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14
Why name it Team ORNJ when Jaune is the leader? Besides, why include Oscar in the team at all?
Guest chapter 3 . 4/14
O.K. ... My dude, you've got quite a concept, right here! And you happen to keep them in-characters in the middle of this frenzy, nice touch! (Actually, I hope we see Ilia again soon interacting with Sun, Blake and Trifa first, then with human characters).

But I swear, this fanfic has so much random WTF potential! Just imagining a scene where team RWBY or some of our dear characters come across a corridor nearly clogged by... packs of TP roll, not knowing where it comes from or why the f*ck it's there in the first place, I am already laughing my ass off in advance! ;P Heck, I can even imagine a character wanting to answer the "call of nature", and they discover this sh*t:

Also, I may have an idea you could incorporate: Jaune and Oscar coming across a weird short movie in the theaters and showing it at least to team RWBY, SSSN, CVFY(?), Ren, Nora, Trifa, Ilia(?). This short movie would be actually this:
Sorry if I sound demanding, and nothing obligates you to incorporate it, but the potential of this fanfic is too much gold for not sharing that! ;)

See you on your next chapter, pal!
merendinoemiliano chapter 2 . 4/9
Lovely and hilarious chapter, can't wait for more RWBY sheganingans.
RelightTheTorch chapter 1 . 4/7
That... Hollow headed nitwit joker?

Come on now Trifa, seriously?
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 4/6