Reviews for SAO: The Worst One
seanmcsherry123 chapter 31 . 7/12
This story is complete?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 30 . 7/9
Great Chapter keep it up love it
Treott chapter 1 . 7/6
ok pretty good
seanmcsherry123 chapter 27 . 6/16
A really big YEP he has lost it prison changed his friends abandoned him basically he is broke it would take a miracle to get him back to who he was. But seriously a Welcome Back party after they shunned him did they think he would not forget?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 26 . 6/16
A Welcome back party? wasn't the last things that happened before he went to prison was just full of hate for Shinji cause they thought he was Laughing Coffin? I would be pissed too
seanmcsherry123 chapter 25 . 5/28
WOW thats all i gotta say about this just WOW
seanmcsherry123 chapter 24 . 5/22
What what just happend?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 19 . 5/17
Welp that's done Yuuki was best girl man and she's gone

So Shinji threw away the Caffeine Pills so he won't get in to some accident driving?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 18 . 5/17
Well she's dead :( man she was best girl
seanmcsherry123 chapter 16 . 5/7
Shinji still got his Caffeine Addiction? he had a race the night before
seanmcsherry123 chapter 15 . 5/2
Usui Pass is that a Initial D reference?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 14 . 4/30
I like the OC X Lisbeth pairing great but i just wanna say Shinji and Shino have a ring to it i mean their names Shin-ji and Shin-o LOL
seanmcsherry123 chapter 12 . 4/30
So is our OC back to normal?
seanmcsherry123 chapter 11 . 4/28
Keep it up this is so good.
SAO has made Shinji go completly insane, depressed and suicidal

Can't wait to see what happens next
seanmcsherry123 chapter 10 . 4/27
Wait so where was Shinji during all of this?
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