Reviews for Sa'akh
BatMonkey81 chapter 1 . 5/15
I rather enjoyed this. Looking forward to the next installment.
LORETTA chapter 1 . 4/14
Celina R.C chapter 1 . 4/12
This was awesome! I love this type of cut scene from the Mirror Universe. I think you took on their characters very well. I politely request another sequel!
Paula chapter 1 . 4/12
I don't like a lot of the alternate universe stuff but I have to admit this had me gripped from the beginning, I'm gutted that you lost the final piece in the series I would love to have read it. I hope you get the time to rewrite it. Xx
Annastesia LaFayette chapter 1 . 4/11
Another great chapter in this saga. I hope you do continue this. If not the story lost, perhaps a different story of RU Trip being trapped in the MU, showing MU Trip that in either universe, he is a survivor. I do especially like how you portray MU T'Pol, even though still Vulcan logic driven, she too is harded enough to conceive and carry out her own devious plans. Perhaps MU Trip could be used to her advantage in her plans?
LoyaulteMeLie chapter 1 . 4/10
I love the gritty realism here - you don't paint the Mirror Universe as anything other than it is. Even Bonded, Trip and T'Pol are without any affection for each other - simply using one another in a different way. It's harsh and sad and just the way things are in the Mirror Universe.

I particularly liked the touch where Mirror Tucker thinks of his RU counterpart with contempt, knowing how little chance Trip would have of surviving in *his* world. He's right, of course, though I wonder if Trip would be quite that easy to destroy...
SA3466996 chapter 1 . 4/9
Really enjoyed this. You have a real intense quality to the connection between mirror Trip and T’Pol. Fantastic. I certainly hope you continue with this.
SilverSentinal21 chapter 1 . 4/9
Mis, if you don't finish this I'll cry big, fat, messy, ugly-cry tears. I applaud your mastery.