Reviews for The Unexpected Encounter
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30
got to agree, would have been preferable.
Primus2021 chapter 1 . 5/12
I agree.
spnfan2005 chapter 1 . 4/24
love it please write more
Green Arrow fan chapter 1 . 4/12
Excellent one-shot. Honestly wish this happen in the show too. The better half of season 7/flash forwards seem so interesting (even though that storyline pretty much betrays everything Oliver has been fighting for though out the entirely of the show) and for once it didn't sound like Felicity was so perfect as the writers make her out to be and made some questionable decisions after Oliver's death/Fall of Star city. But of course, Beth, the current showrunner and main writer of season 7, reveals her true colors and shares the same mindset as Guggenheim. (roll eyes) I would say I was surprise but with the continued patten of terrible writing and mishandle of Arrow from the other writers, I wasn't. Wouldn't be surprise if Beth was close friends with Guggenheim before season 7 aired. Even if Guggenheim wasn't the lead writer, the show still sucked. Disappointment.

Really like Roy's thoughts and feels about Team Arrow and their treatment towards Oliver. (If he was written properly, he would've said/done something) He truly is Oliver's partner and friend.

Love that little hint that Oliver and Earth 2 Laurel got together in the 2040 timeline, I have mixed feelings what they did with her in that storyline.

So much better turnout than the unrealistic outcome that is Crisis. (Even though 2040/flash forwards storyline really sucks.)

Till next next time.
Bl4ckHunter chapter 1 . 4/11
This is thereapeutic.

Much better than Felicity getting William and Mia where they were, since that was mainly Feliciyy pandering.

No kidding on Crisis.
Phillipe363 chapter 1 . 4/10
Enjoyable story

No kidding, wish we did get this in the show itself of in season 7 or even in season 8 have that the earth one Oliver died, but the earth prime Oliver is still alive into the future operating as GA.

I so liked seeing them find Oliver in the 2040 future and not the Felicity pandering BS that led to what we got in the show. Frankly Mia doesn't bother me all that much, and she's more likable then Iris Jr. aka Nora West, but the Feclity of leading her up to having gone to the dark side taking up her father's old mantel only to back out going "No it was all fake" is such viewer baiting, Feclity pandering BS.

pretty much helped prove Beth was following in Guggie's footsteps

Also so like you sticking true to that storyline for having Felicity go evil, and Oliver kill her. Good.

So like how Roy's reasoning for being done with Team Arrow is just that, Team Arrow for how they treated Oliver who Roy is one of Oliver's most loyal partners, if not the most loyal one. So if written in character yes he would take serious issue with that.

Nice that Oliver and earth 2 Laurel are together in the future