Reviews for Kill Them With Kindness
Dragonborn2704 chapter 5 . 7/4
This was honestly really sweet
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 5 . 7/3
- Summer
A point raised by "Jauneforever" in "Ideas for Vol 5" that he had vocalized by that Jaune, was that the possibility exists that Summer was sent on that suicide mission, because she was looking to retire to raise her daughters.

It would mean a temporary loss of a Silver Eyed Warrior, but Ruby would be young and naive, thus easy to manipulate. Being let into Beacon early would be a way to ingratiate himself with her.

And to me that kinda reminds me of the sh*t that Dumbledore pulled with Harry Potter to be seen as his saviour and mentor.

It's definitely a plausible idea and it would dovetail into your AU quite well, considering what was done to Gretchen who wanted to remain neutral in the conflict.


Just saying.

- Dreams
Weird psychedelic visions to say the least. Appropriate considering the scene, but a pain to figure out when the mind is fatigued already.

- Generations.
You're off by one with regards to Jaune's/Ozymandias' family.

It was his great great grandfather who fought in the Great War and is most likely the individual whose statue stands in front of the Beacon campus. (As the blade it holds is a dead ringer for the original version of Crocea Mors.)

Jaune, Justice, Julianne (think that's the female version of that name BTW, rather than just a funky spelling) and Jaune/Ozymandias is only 4 generations, not 5. Great Grandfather, grandfather, father, son.

So yeah, you're missing one.

Scene can still work though, if you were to shift from the Great War to the Faunus Rights Revolution, which happened some time after the Great War, although it hasn't been specifies when exactly.

Having said that, it's highly likely that the Great War's Warrior King is one of Ozma's incarnations. His folly with regards to settlements and sharing land, when his own subjects wanted nothing to do with Mantle or Mistral, would coincide quite well with how you're portraying him, as someone who willingly blinds himself to humanity's flaws. Said folly helped ignite the Great War BTW.

Still, wonder how Julianne would react if he were to learn that Qrow murdered his son, merely because the kid was found and adopted by Salem.

(And on a side note. Are you aware of the fan theory that the Arcs are actually linear descendants of Ozma and Salem through one of their daughters, who survived the fight between her parents and if confirmed true, how would it effect your story?)

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*... upon her as he pulled herself up. *

"she pulled"

*... a kicked the sword on to the ground. *

"and" not "a".

*... for a father whose lost a child. *

"who's" rather than "whose" in this case.
Yonokon chapter 5 . 7/3
Having trouble following some of the stuff but that’s mostly because I’m not used to your writing style and character introduction, but so far I’m enjoying the story and can’t wait for the next update.
Xealchim chapter 5 . 7/3
glad you explained i got lost lol
NineYetis chapter 5 . 7/3
I really liked the Arc family you portrayed here. Broken but healing.
Zaralann chapter 5 . 7/3
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 5 . 7/3
Confusing to read at times but interesting to read
Random65 chapter 1 . 7/3
Jaerskov Tempestwing chapter 4 . 6/8
Ok. This is odd, crazy, weird, dark, depressing and I love it. Give me more Momma Salem.
memefarius chapter 4 . 5/6
The world building is well made and I love the concept of the story
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 4 . 4/30
- Trench Couple
Surprised that the husband/father did not try and kill the two who raped and murdered his wife and killed his unborn child to boot.

Bit more Jaune towards Cinder at Haven in attitude.

An "I may die today, but I'm going to take you b*stards down with me as penance for convincing her to come to Vale." moment if you will.

- Hypocrite
*How many people did he need to kill before the world woke up and learned that it needed to just listen to him?!

Humans were all just selfish, greedy,scummy,lazy, murderous, treacherous, BACKSTABBING, MORONIC PIECES OF- *

And how is this different from Salem's stance when they were married?

He's parroting her words and partly her actions. She was just more overt in her ruling, while he does it from the shadows. (An honest monster vs. a deceiving "hero".)

His thoughts on Gretchen Rainart little better, a possession rather than a being with the right to choose her own path. He can't even conceive that there's a third path in service to neither him or Salem. (Bit like Fria in canon due to ill health.)

Salem accepted her neutrality, he's too busy lying to himself to look at things objectively. And then blames Salem for Hazel hating his guts and wanting his head on a pike.

*shakes head*

All of this also further builds on the "Aura/Soul transfer" machine from canon and trying to saddle Pyrrha with the duty. Pawns to be used and discarded. Manipulated and or deceived to do what the chess player wants. (And both were chess players in canon.)

- Wars
And of course there was yet another War following the Great War(s), where the Faunus ended up rebelling for being shipped off to a barren waste land (Menagerie) and having what rights they hand stripped from them.

So that probably further helped shape Salem's differing stance on things.

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*... for there is now way of truth to admit such -that man ...*

"no" rather than "now".

*... that would've come to to bite me, en force, in the neck. *

Nuke one " to".

*He didn't want to stay on this world anymore.*

"any more", although this could be a British vs. American English thing.

*The hung around in the shadows, ...*

"They hung ..."

*Mantle and mistral fought to end the faunus.*

"Mistral", capital as it's a name.
Noble graysin chapter 4 . 4/28
God, this is fucking RAW. I love it.
Noble graysin chapter 1 . 4/27
So basically, Salem and her children plan to show Remnant their peaceful ways through force?
ZenithTempest chapter 4 . 4/27
I almost feel like this story is out of order so far. Chapters 2-4 are all background information, akin to a narrated prologue in the opening of a movie or game, while Chapter 1 feels like the actual beginning of the story. It's especially jarring when the main characters haven't been around since that first chapter, minus cameos of their 'deaths' in Chapter 2. I'd almost recommend moving them around, with 2-4 being condensed into 1 or 2 opening chapters and chapter 1 becoming the latest chapter at 3, so you have more flow going into the story.
It also helps explain why Jaune was killed by Ozpin's group, something you noted in Chapter 2 I believe but didn't give a rationale for until now. Foreshadowing is fine of course, but as presently constructed, I feel reorganizing would be a net positive for readers who haven't yet started the story.
Dragonborn2704 chapter 4 . 4/27
you can feel that Ozma is at this point just a tierd old man waiting and hoping for the end of his days.
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