Reviews for VGCW: Video Game Championship Wrestling
EverlastingEvanescence chapter 11 . 7/14
Sucks that Cage got squashed, but I'm happy Sonic won in the main event.

I would recommend making your PPV matches, especially your main event matches a little longer to make it stand out from your regular weekly TV shows.
Jostanos chapter 11 . 7/14
Not at all. This was a fun ride, and I am sure that it will be just as fun the NXT go round. :)
However.. Conker and the Black Star Wolf Dragons will get what they deserve!
Jostanos chapter 10 . 7/13
Geese, it looks like your goose got cooked!
Jostanos chapter 9 . 7/12
So Wrestlefest is next huh?
I wonder what shenanigans may happen?
EverlastingEvanescence chapter 9 . 7/9
Sonic vs Mario sounds like an awesome main event and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Cage.
Jostanos chapter 8 . 6/23
Insane does not even begin to describe this.
EverlastingEvanescence chapter 3 . 6/23
Matches are a lot shorter than I expected them to be, which isn't the worst thing in the world given NWA Powerrr, but you do have some interesting stories set up here
EverlastingEvanescence chapter 2 . 6/23
I don't know much about the games you have here, but you seem to have a very deep roster, which is always a good thing for a wrestling company.
Jostanos chapter 7 . 6/3
Why do I get the feeling that Conker may team up with the Howard Connection in the near future?
Green-Extreme-Ninjetti13 chapter 7 . 6/3
Liked this story so far.
Can't wait for WrestleFest!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/3
When will you update stars stripes and spiders.
psav2005 chapter 3 . 6/2
Have taken in the first few chapters and you got a good thing going here. While I don’t know many of the characters you have done a good job describing the going ons in the matches. I like the short matches too, probably something I should have done when trying to cram 30 matches into a PPV stories when I was writing my Power Ranger wrestling stories. Hell of a first PPV main event and first title defense you got planned with Sonic vs Mario
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2
Whe will you update stars stripes and spiders.
Green-Extreme-Ninjetti13 chapter 5 . 6/1
Liked this story so far. Can't wait for more.
Jostanos chapter 5 . 5/28
Oh jeez.. Geese is gonna be ticked. What may he, Billy, and Raiden do in retaliation?
What may Lara Croft do in response to it?
What may the other competitors do to thwart the Howard Connection and whatever plot that they may have in mind?
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