Reviews for Naruto: Betrayed and Banished
Hotwire23b chapter 7 . 6/18
Fantastically well thought out and written keep it up I'm in suspense
jh831 chapter 7 . 5/2
Good story so far.
Hope to see narko get put down a few pegs more in the future.
Hope naruto uses clones to get better faster. I see him learning quicker than naruto, i could also see him be ruthless, but in control like zabuza.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
NANI chapter 3 . 4/24
LIFe or death?! Dang! Do I really have friends?!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/23
yea dude im sorry, but as nice as your writing is, the whole premise of the story is horseshit. They could've mindwalked naruto with a yamanaka jutsu to prove his innocence, but nnoooooo, lets make the entirety of the konoha ninja council AND the fucking hokage completely fucking incompetent morons.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23
so they didnt think to have a yamanaka check his mind? "Great" story concept. Glad to see you have a pea sized brain, dipshit
zero fullbuster chapter 7 . 4/23
Love it.
Great update as always.
I can't wait what happens next.
Kage ongami chapter 6 . 4/23
Liked your story
clio1111 chapter 6 . 4/23
Interesting story. Hope 4 more soon.
Irina Akashira chapter 6 . 4/23
I've just found your story

Good luck
TysonG chapter 6 . 4/22
Nice chapter. Will there be a time jump anytime soon or will you be keeping this pace throughout the story?
Hozuki Mangetsu chapter 6 . 4/22
I liked the chapter, Naruko is a bitch, I feel that it has something to do with the exile of Naruto, I hope he suffers e.e
Guest chapter 6 . 4/22
I'm reading this while playing Morrowind during the quarantine. I can't help but view the nomad shinobi as an Ashlander clan.
Banjo the Fox chapter 5 . 4/22
Good chapter.
Banjo the Fox chapter 4 . 4/22
Solid chapter but fuck.
Banjo the Fox chapter 3 . 4/22
Excellently done chapter. Certainly better.
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