Reviews for From the Roots
CriticalFanatic chapter 2 . 7/7
Not enough Senju sI’s, can’t wait to see where this goes
Fanfiction0000 chapter 2 . 7/6
I love the story but if you could update faster, this story would be absolutely awesome
Fanfiction0000 chapter 1 . 7/6
This is good stuff
Svenion chapter 2 . 7/6
meh, everyone likes to use danzo as some super badass, i much prefer him as a side blip being killed by the SI or gamer before he gets going too far. also, sandaime sucks
RDK Rana chapter 2 . 7/6
Should have chosen uchiha. I highly doubt anybody outside of root would have known he was a uchiha. Besides, it would give Danzo all the more reason to keep him as danzo has that uchiha eye fetish.
hinatayvonne chapter 2 . 7/5
Ooo snap danzo look underneath underneath
Mannchaa chapter 2 . 7/5
couple of thought... the root yamanaka (think his name is FU )should be totally useless against the gamers MIND when danzos paranoia overwhelms him and he tries to mindwhamie a baby/child xD hmm the whole mindwashing/conditioning should also be att least very unsuccesful because of the same reason ;)
would be very intresting after roots failure to make a tool out of mc..(they have tried awhile) danzo confronts the mc... and he points out he will obviously never be one of them (wave at a root tool). Danzo gets this murderus glair in his just passivly reply the solution is obvious yes?...
-make me into a another you? you are old, time to start thinking on your legacy...
do you really need brainwashing to make me think and se the world the way you do? shouldnt reason and logic be enough...

so basicly being raised as a blend of heir/student/(unspoken son of danzo xD)
he will grow upp jaded but not as twisted as danzo likes because of the prior knowledge of naruto world outside that paints more colour in danzoes very black and white description of events and leasons xD ( like mc sneaks in some changes incognito here and there xD of the top of my head... atleast save sasukes mom?( what i remember was dad the one politicing/dick xf )

just the thoughts that pop into my head ;) hope it gave you some idees atleast xD
anyway great story keep it upp ;)
alexantony471 chapter 2 . 7/5
another chapter nicely done. Hope you update soon.
reader0007 chapter 2 . 7/5
nice,i prefer uzumaki but senju is not that bad either. and if you want sharingan then just steal it from danzo. what? at this time uchiha clan is still exist,so that means danzo didn't have his sharingan stock for his izanagi yet. i expect in the future Dai will be strong enough to kill no-sharingan-danzo. just kill danzo when he is in the middle of transplanting his newly acquired sharingan,he will be caught off guard. with senju's bloodline and gamer body he didn't need to worry about sharingan's crippling effect on his body,like low stamina due to huge chakra drain. but if you want to evolve it into rinnegan then you need to inject chakra/dna from indra's and ashura's incarnation -like madara and hashirama or sasuke and naruto- into your body,it can't be a random dna/chakra from random uchiha and senju.
EveLicht chapter 1 . 6/4
nice fanfiction. pls update
Empyrean Asura chapter 1 . 5/12
Huh with the circumstances of the MC's birth he will be watched heavily and if I was being honest I'd think Danzo would rather the MC be killed because of the strangeness and how freaky the circumstances of how he came to be.
scDirk chapter 1 . 5/10
why on earth would danzo kill her? you don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg...
Yummy story chapter 1 . 5/4
This has stupid amounts of potential, please continue to write. Too many people lose interest in writing or don't actually plan on finishing up the story anyway. Thank you!
Chillingbear chapter 1 . 4/27
I like it, just a few comments before you really get into this. I woud avoid too much "gamer" talk, where 1/2 your fic is gamer screens and numbers. The best gamer fics I've seen tend to limit the amount of information being detailed as it clogs up the story.

Can't wait to read more :), it is rare that people provide Danzo is a "semi" human light lol. Usually he is a emotionless monster.
alexantony471 chapter 1 . 4/25
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