Reviews for Gary's Party
Anna10327 chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Make-out room? I wanna see that! This story would've been even better if it involved AdvanceShipping, but who cares, I liked it anyway! (My OTPs are AdvanceShipping, GymShipping, and RocketShipping)
NuhIWon'tLogin chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
'Bill, Bill, Bill,'

Bill sends an awful lot of letters to Ash, doesn't he?


Now to leave and stuff
ShayminPancakes chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
Short. Could be improved, but I love the concept. GYMSHIPPERS WILL RULE THE WORLD!
Satokasu Suki chapter 1 . 6/27/2003
Well, you have improved nicely, but here's one little tip.


YOU WROTE: "Can we sit down for a bit, my feet are getting tired"

IT SHOULD BE: "Can we sit down for a bit? My feet are getting tired," Misty said.


Pay close attention to the COMMA I used before putting "Misty said". You should always write who is saying what, and always end the quote in punctuation (comma, exclamation point, etc).


Get a spell/grammar check. Writing in a program like Microsoft Word (which has access to spell/ grammar check) is highly advised. It makes writing easier and better. _

Other than that, Jesse is actually spelled "Jessie" - note the I before the E. was a little fast-paced. Just slow things down a one's rushing ya. _


Other than that, it was cute because it at least had one ship I liked - Rocketshipping. _ [I hate Gymshipping].

Keep writing and I'll keep reviewing! _

Practice, practice, practice!~
cherry gem chapter 1 . 5/24/2003
Oh! How sweet! _ You should continue!
Nova-chan chapter 1 . 5/23/2003
Oh! How sweet! *Dies*