Reviews for Slowly But Surely
shan36 chapter 14 . 8/11
Awesome chapter!
Foggynights chapter 14 . 8/10
Just found your story, really enjoying
Guest chapter 14 . 8/10
I absolutely adore this story! It just keeps getting better and better! Can’t wait for more :)
Nataly29 chapter 14 . 8/8
Wow! I love this Mia, she knows when to push and when to back off. The note for Ana was so Sweet!
CTHEWOODS chapter 14 . 8/7
I hope so...this story is awesome...even if it's taking forever for them to do the "dirty!" Maybe they will wake up soon. More, please:)
Guest chapter 14 . 8/7
Oh wise parental units: no meddling. Great choice! Really great choice! These two do not need any more meddlers. The already have Kate. And Mia. And Elliot. And... everybody else, I guess. ;-) Let them find their rhythm. Slow is really, really good... and ohhhh so satisfying...
vamomoftwins chapter 14 . 8/6
Can’t wait for more
vamomoftwins chapter 13 . 8/5
Awesome chapter and long like I love them
vamomoftwins chapter 12 . 8/5
Omg fan girdling over here!
LadyValarie65 chapter 14 . 8/5
Another Awesome Chapter. Looking forward to more
velosews chapter 14 . 8/5
Let nature take its course.
snoopylover60 chapter 14 . 8/5
Glad RL is giving your a break!

This is sooo good. I finally got all caught up on the story.

It sweet and I love this Christian and Ana.

Looking forward to more :D
desini chapter 14 . 8/5
Christian is so sweet I can't wait for their first kiss.
Misssee chapter 14 . 8/4
Great news to my eyes. This story has a long way to go. Christian and Ana are adorable, coy, and thoughtful towards each other. It is always a plus to become friends before the romancing starts if it is not love at first sight. I also see the possibility that Ana may be able to leave GEH for a publishing position. Hannah did think their may be a future job opening where she works. I am sure Christian wants the best for her, but he will definitely miss seeing her at work. I am enjoying seeing them becoming close friends. Excellent chapter.
Carol222 chapter 14 . 8/4
Love this story of gentle, bookworm Ana taming crotchety Christian Grey. Nice storyline. The afterglow 9f the gala was just as much fun in its recounting. Ans actually updated her picture profile in FB. Kate is planning Ana's engagement, and Mia is pushing Christian to see Ana in a different light. Receiving Tess through the silent auction cemented Ana's tender thoughts about her boss. Baking 12 dozen cream puffs as z thank you should just begin to thank him.
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