Reviews for I'll never forget you
Guest chapter 11 . 7/3
Maybe Grace’s period could leak and she could panic and not tell Maria but then Maria finds out?
thebartonsrule chapter 10 . 6/3
This was a nice chapter, nothing much happened, but it was neat that they're spending more time together, as a mother and daughter should.

Ideas? hmm! i'm not sure maybe have Grace starting at Weathy High, and being around kids her own age.

Perhaps more of Carla and Michelle featuring they are Grace's family after all.

Beyond that i can't offer anything else. Hope that helps anyway.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/24
Thank you
thebartonsrule chapter 9 . 5/25
They're turning into a strong family unit,Grace clearly has her mother's caring nature helping out with the younger children at the home.

It'll do Grace a great deal of good getting to know new friends,though whether Weatherfield High is the best environment is open to question.
thebartonsrule chapter 8 . 5/21
Marcus that's a blast from the past.

Grace appears to have accepted the relationship anyway.

Oops! Liam that'll not calm Grace's nerves.

Maria will have to tread carefully and wait for grace to confide in her when she's ready.
thebartonsrule chapter 7 . 5/17
So Maria got full custody what could possibly go wrong,i don't blame Grace being wary of meeting Carla/Michelle and the factory crowd,that bunch would terrify me.

I was afraid of the dark til i was about 12/13 no idea why,but i can only assume it was a bad childhood experience,obviously not to the extreme Grace endured though.

Hope Grace settles in the street and makes friends quickly.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/11
Thank youu
thebartonsrule chapter 6 . 5/12
Hmm! grace clearly still has issues to resolve,Maria is definitely a calming influence though,hope the the hearing goes well.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/8
You should have a conversation about periods
Guest chapter 5 . 5/8
Thank you!
thebartonsrule chapter 5 . 5/9
Great chapter,it's refreshing that Grace can open up to her mum,this bodes well for their future wise of Maria to inform Rachel about their conversation.

Please continue when your ready.
Hollyoaksperiandnico chapter 5 . 5/8
This is great thank you. Please continue xx
Guest chapter 4 . 5/3
Thank you! :)
thebartonsrule chapter 4 . 5/5
Ah! now i understand why Grace is so wary of adults,males in particular,sex abuse i sorta suspected something along those lines,and then being pushed from one foster family to another,that's bound to have an affect on her behaviour,Maria is a calming presence,and all being well they'll be reunited properly soon.

I don't know what Grace will make of Carla and Michelle,those 2 will be a culture shock no doubt.

One thing is clear and that's that Grace and Liam have formed an immediate bond.

When and if Grace comes onto the street,will she be interacting with the other teens,maybe a boyfriend or even a girlfriend,or haven't you thought that far ahead.

And also will Grace's father make an appearance,she must have questions about him and who he is.

Enjoyable story so far,i hope you continue.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/29
I read it thank you!
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