Reviews for Duality & Grace
BrokenMentality chapter 6 . 9/9
AHH. I was smiling SO much while reading this omg, this was beautiful. I love this story! And I SO wish that this is what happened instead of the canon events. The reunion and descriptions of the emotions are just *chef's kiss* wonderful! I also SO appreciate supportive Finn, I feel like his character always had the potential to be like this, but unfortunately was never fulfilled in the films. I got chills up my spine when Rey feels the Bond reopen. This whole thing was amazing and beautiful! Thank you for this story! :D
meldisil chapter 5 . 6/27
Why ist he leaving. And without saying goodbye to Rey! I hope she can forgive him. Thanks for the new chapter.
stepanka.hanusova86 chapter 5 . 6/24
I think Rey can forgive him a lot of things ... but leaving her again? She will be very injured. I understand that life is hard with so many sins on his shoulders, but can Luke help with that?
BrokenMentality chapter 5 . 6/24
LOVED this chapter! I loved Chewie and Ben's reunion and I'm glad that Finn is beginning to accept Ben and respect Rey's feelings for him. I'm also excited to see where you go with Ben finding Luke! Awesome writing!
meldisil chapter 4 . 6/5
I really loved Ben's point of view. Looking forward to the next chapter.
BrokenMentality chapter 4 . 6/3
I really liked Ben's self reflection! And omg I love the tenderness between these two it's so cute!
The Freaks chapter 3 . 5/23
Ugh please post soon this is so good. I’ve been dying for a good post TROS fic where he lives and think I’ve finally found one
The Freaks chapter 2 . 5/23
Pretty good so far my dude, I really like it
The Freaks chapter 1 . 5/23
God I’m sad I didn’t find this fic sooner cause I’m heckin excited for it but oh my god I cried in the theatre. Ben was one of my favorites and I knew he was going to die but I wasn’t prepared for it. I honestly was really hoping it would be Rey because I don’t care for her and liked Ben 100xS more but he had to follow in his grandfathers footsteps and die just after redeeming himself but I’m still sad. So now I’m reading reylo fanfics to console myself
meldisil chapter 3 . 5/20
I Love your story. Thank you!
doctor.of.the.universe chapter 1 . 5/18
Typo Ben Skywalker is Luke and mara jades son of star Wars legends

Ben solo is Han and leias of canon.
Please change it for organization.
stepanka.hanusova86 chapter 3 . 5/16
Perfect story. I hope you will continue writing. I like it very much.
maushaushase chapter 3 . 5/14
Oh a beautiful new chapter! Can't wait for the next
peachpaige chapter 3 . 5/13
A great next chapter. How long are you envisioning? If you’re dabbling here - consider a full length one next. Thanks for your hard work!
BrokenMentality chapter 3 . 5/13
Hell fucking yes. This was beautiful and everything I needed. Thank you for this omg! Ahhh I fucking love these two so much. Thank you for letting them be happy :D
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